道德觀在現今的台灣社會中愈來愈式微,而青少年的偏差行為卻日益嚴重。家庭是社會最基本的單位,其對青少年偏差行為有著重要之影響。本研究嘗試將青少年道德觀做為中介變項。進一步地探討其與家庭因素、青少年偏差行為之關係。 本研究採用自陳問卷之調查法,選自雲林及嘉義地區六所國民中學做為研究對象,包括二崙國中、麥寮完全中學國中部、虎尾國中、大林國中、民雄國中及北興國中,共計1205位。主要的分析方法為巢式迴歸。 研究結果發現: 1.青少年道德觀愈良好,青少年發生偏差行為的可能性就會降低。 2.父母道德觀愈良好,青少年發生偏差行為的可能性就會降低。 3.雙親暴力傾向愈少,青少年發生偏差行為的可能性就會降低。 4.家庭氣氛並非是主要直接影響青少年偏差行為之因素,而是間接,而其主要的中介變項為道德觀。 5.父母親採用忽視冷漠的管教方式會比採用開明權威的管教方式的子女較易產生偏差行為。 The problem of juvenile delinquency in Taiwan seems to be more and more serious recently. And at the same time, moral consciousness seems to be declining. The study tries to discuss the relationships among juvenile delinquency, moral consciousness, and, besides, the family factors. The sample of the study was selected from six junior high school in Yunlin and Chiayi. Totally, 1205 students completely filled out the questionnaires, and we used the nested regression method to analyze the data. The findings of this study included: 1.The better the moral consciousness of the adolescent students, the less the deviant behaviors conducted. 2. The better the moral consciousness of the adolescents’ parents, the less the deviant behaviors conducted by the adolescent students. 3.The more the violent tendency of the adolescents’ parents, the less the deviant behaviors conducted by the adolescent students. 4.The family climate seems not to be a significant factor in explaining the problem of juvenile delinquency. The moral consciousness seems to be more important as an intermediate variable. 5. There is a significant correlation between the parents’ attitudes and juvenile delinquency.