戰後義大利政黨政治的發展著實與防杜法西斯獨裁的陰影脫離不開關係,無論在憲法及其相關制度之設計,都著墨於反對寡頭政治(法西斯),間接促成政黨往多元化發展,意識型態隨之變得分歧。自第二次世界大戰以來,多黨林立與政府的不穩定已經成為義大利政治體制上兩大特點,當中原因為何著實值得探究。進入第二共和的義大利是否就已擺脫昔日的晦氣,開啟嶄新一頁的政黨政治,得留待觀察。另一方面,藉由選舉、壓力團體與媒體評估義大利政黨政治發展的良窳。 本文章節將以文獻分析同比較分析交叉運用,以「戰後義大利政黨政治的發展」為主要核心命題,透過歷屆內閣更迭的變化、歷屆國會選舉等找出從戰後到當前義大利政黨政治發展的脈絡,再經由各政黨的黨綱與義大利的選舉制度甚至是黨派間對重大法案的態度端看這些因素對義大利政黨政治的運作產生何種影響?藉由各類政治、歷史、社會方面與本文相關的專書與論文,最終整合全部發現的結果,作為解釋義大利與眾不同的政黨政治發展之神秘面紗。筆者在西班牙瓦雅多利(Valladolid)讀語言班時所結交的義大利朋友們包括拉拉(Cucci Lara)、瓦倫緹娜(Valentina)與拉嫵菈(Laura)等提供筆者些許資料。網路的發達使資料的搜尋無遠弗屆,可以從義大利政府、國會與各政黨網站,蒐集相關資訊,憑靠著它打破國界無藩籬的限制。此外筆者從網路書局訂購兩本最新探討義大利的英文專書,適時給予筆者最新資訊。 義大利的政黨政治呈現有別於其他民主國家的特色,不管是選舉制度與政黨政治的關係或政黨政治的運作,皆有其特殊的一面。與其他種種因素相較之下,政治文化的效應影響義大利的政黨政治應該不在話下。政黨意識型態不和所造成的分裂與政局的持續動盪不安甚於他國,多少都與傳統的政治文化息息相關,選舉制度也須為政局不穩背負些許責任。意識型態與政黨間的權力傾軋乃是造成義大利政黨政治運作不良的主因。 After the downfall of the Fascist regime, the Italian embarked on the road of democratization and established a multi-party system under fear of Fascist resurrection. The constitution’s emphasis on protecting weak parties and opposing oligarchy has been contributive to the development of the multi-party system and to the diversion of ideology. Since the end of World War Ⅱ multi-party politics and continual political crisis have been a mark in Italy and that is why we should make a research. By the way the operation of Italian party politics is also an important point. This thesis exerts the historical research methods, for instance documental analysis, induction and comparison as the major research approaches. Development of Italian Party Politics is a core, then though the change of political cabinet and parties disunion and recombination to induce the development of Italian Party Politics. In a meanwhile estimate the operation of Italian Party Politics. The main resources of this thesis are based on publications and papers, thesis from foreign and internal university. In the other side owing to manage the rapid development of Italian political party and polity, this research also utilizes the news obtained from the Internet. On the one hand, information from my Italian friends is a cherished data; on the other hand, I subscribed related books from Internet. Finally, the conclusion of this thesis will analyze and dissertate as fallows: 1. The operation of Italian party politics is different from other countries. 2. Party politics have relations with political culture. 3. The diversion of ideology and interests among the party are the principle factor that has influenced on Italian continual political crisis.