青年參與志願服務政府及民間非營利組織的積極大力推動之下,已在社會引起了極大的共鳴。 近年來,佛教慈濟功德會之迅速擴張,令人注目。而慈濟在吸納青年志工上更是不遺餘力,證嚴法師意識到台灣社會當前日漸嚴重的青少年問題,青年亦是傳承慈濟精神的重要力量;因此參與慈濟的成員已不再只限於虔誠信仰佛教婦女的專利了。 本研究藉由質性研究之參與觀察、文獻分析法及半結構性訪談法的方式,針對慈濟的青年志願組織-「慈濟大專青年聯誼會」的緣起發展、組織架構、組織管理、組織文化的傳遞與其青年志工的管理進行研究,並瞭解其志願服務的具體作為與實踐。 研究結果發現在組織運作方面,慈青聯誼會組織發展的模式,是大幅學習、複製而來。慈濟團體中存在著「家庭」這種初級團體扶互動特質。這樣的組織結構特質,讓慈青聯誼會成員彼此的脈絡連結增強,也使其組織運作上具有邊緣競爭之特色。更重要的,慈青聯誼會的組織行為因此有了許多重要的集體效應,促成青年學子持續的參與,甚至增強他們投入志願服務的信念但把組織視同家庭化之運作下,可能在過度強調和諧時,必要的衝突及爭執被忽視及壓抑,對組織批評的意見可能沒有機會反應出來。 至於在青年志工管理方面,在慈濟「宗教使命」之下,以「愛為管理、以戒為制度」的方式,來啟發青年學子參與志願服務的活動,在管理意涵上,何嘗不是「激勵」?只是它的獎賞是「超越自己」的自我肯定罷了。而在面對組織的快速擴張,慈青聯誼會要持續加強新進學子對慈濟理念與精神認同,此外,對於各個領導幹部的選用也要加以去規範和再訓練。 The society will be much appreciated when government and non-profit organizations encourage youth to take part in voluntary activities. During the fast developing stage of Tzu-Chi Foundation, it also makes a lot of efforts to encourage youth to participate voluntary actions. The spirits of Tzu-Chi will then be transmitted from the old members to new ones. Also, not only women individual who believed in Buddhism can join Tzu-Chi, other sex can be a member of the Foundation. The purposes of this study are to explore the structure of Tzu-Chi Collegiate Youth Association, to realize its forming reasons, and its developing and functioning conditions. The study also analyzes, in a perspective way, the voluntary organization, volunteers management and the competing edge. The results show that the operation of Tzu-Chi is just like a big family. Tzu-Chi Collegiate Youth Association provides all members with good relationships, and with attractions for new youth to join in too. Since Tzu-Chi Collegiate Youth Association develops very fast, it has to manage more effectively in programs and members. Only by so doing, all the old and new members will have the best feelings in Tzu-Chi Collegiate Youth Association’s voluntary activities.