近年來由於台灣經濟的成長,國民所得增加,加上週休二日的實施,國民生活型態逐漸改變,台灣特殊的地理環境,森林面積約佔全部面積的55%,適宜提供人們從事各項遊樂活動,所以森林成為國民從事遊樂活動的最佳場所。本研究乃以參山國家風景區範圍內之田中森林公園為研究對象,探討遊客之旅遊動機及滿意度,所得之結論提供主管機關對本基地或未來進行森林公園設計與維護管理時之參考。研究結果發現,遊客旅遊動機主要為運動健身、鬆弛身心及登山健行;行前期望較高前三項為交通便利性、遮蔭休憩場所及步道設施與維護;滿意度較高前三項為交通便利性、遮蔭休憩場所及林相美觀。而在I.P.A.法中發現,改善重點有動線導覽指標一個項目,主管機關如能設置醒目且明確的指標引導遊客,應能創造出更令遊客感到舒適與滿意的遊憩環境。 Owing to steady economic growth in Taiwan in recent years, the increase of national income, and the practice of Act for five working days in a week, national living styles in Taiwan vary gradually. In addition, the geographic environment in Taiwan is very distinctive: forests cover approximately 55% area of this island. Forests suit for people to engage in various kinds of recreation activities, so forests have become the best locations for nationals to engage in recreation activities. The object of this research is directed against Tienchung Forest Park, which is among the scope of National Tsanahsn Scenic Area, and we analyze the results of tourists’ trip motive and degree of satisfaction. We provide our conclusions regarding maintenance management at this park for the authorities’ reference when they plan to design related forest parks in the future.Our research results shows that trip motives of tourists mainly put emphasis on exercise for health, relaxation for bodies and minds, and places for mountain climbing and hiking. In respect of degrees of satisfaction, our results find that the first three factors which tourists concern are convenience of traffic, shady rest places, and artistic woods. With reference to the emphasis on improvement, there is only one item, the instructions of movement directions. If the Management Department of Tienchung Forest Park sets up eye-catching and clear instructions to guide tourists, we trust that it could create a recreation environment to make tourists feel more comfortable and satisfactory.