本研究以生活型態及決策型態為區隔基礎,輔以人口統計變數,來區隔出國市場,過去的研究皆著重於生活型態或個人特性對旅遊行為之影響,生活型態(Life Style)雖然提供較豐富的消費者資訊,但若用於高涉入的旅遊商品區隔則仍嫌不足。本研究將重點放在旅遊行為中的「決策」部份,深入分析消費者之決策型態(Decision-Making Style)。並針對區隔市場之旅遊決策特性加以描述,作為旅行業擬定行銷組合策略之參考。研究結果顯示:1.決策型態將市場區隔為物美價廉族、品質以價格衡量者與趨於低價的品牌忠誠者,不同區隔市場在套裝行程評估與性別上有所差異:集群一重視價格、集群二重視業務人員服務態度,兩集群皆以女性居多;集群三重視居住旅館品質水準,以男性居多2.生活型態將市場區隔為獨立新貴派、跟鋒崇洋族、智慧冒險家、權威領袖族與輕鬆休閒家,不同區隔市場在資訊來源上有所差異,集群四以旅遊專業雜誌為主,其他集群皆以親友推薦為主。3.在不同生活型態與決策型態區隔之下,對「套裝選擇評估內容要素」與「旅遊價值動機」與「人口統計變數」上有所影響:在套裝行程評估要素上,以決策型態作為區隔基礎較生活型態更為顯著;在旅遊價值動機與人口統計變數上,生活型態區隔結果則比決策型態為優。4. 綜合而論,消費者在旅行社套裝行程評估方面,「業務人員服務態度」為最重視之要素;旅遊資訊主要來自「親友推薦」。;旅遊方式以「參加現成旅行團」為主要旅遊方式;在套裝行程重視要素方面,消費者重視「品質」甚於「價格」;旅遊之決策態度以「理性」為主;決策方式以「詳細蒐集各種媒體之旅遊資訊,經由審慎評估才作決策」之複雜性決策為主。 We use decision-making style and lifestyle to segment travel market. Resarch of the past is mostly focused on the influence of travel behavior by lifestyle and personality . Although rich information can be offered by lifestyle, it is not enough for high-involve travel product . We confirms that decision- making process is one of the most important factor influencing travel behavior ,thus focus on decision-making style .The result shows several points: 1.There are difference between package tour evaluation and gender in different market segmented by. decision-making style. 2. There are differences between information in different market segmented by. lifestyle. 3.Decision-making style is better than lifestyle in evaluating package tour; Lifestyle is better than decision-making style in travel motive and geographic variables. 4.In a conclusion ,employee's service is the most important factor that influence choosing travel product.; most of time people depend on travel agency and join the package tour. ; travel information mostly come from the accquentance. ; people prefer travel nearby areas to long-distance areas. ; people make decision by gathering much information and evaluate carefully ; quality is the most important factor when people evaluate package tour.