知識經濟的時代,知識管理之重要性被無限上綱。從知識的選擇、開始,一直到內化後的儲存、管理,每一個環節對組織學習知識的成效均具有重要的意義。本研究選擇知識擴散中的知識移轉項目進行探討,以辨明各種知識可移轉性對於組織績效之關係。 本研究針對五項知識可移轉性指標,對國內觀光及大型旅館績效進行皮爾森績差相關分析,並分別輔以組織型態及品牌權益兩大干擾變數對知識可移轉性與旅館經營績效間進行多元迴歸分析,以取得知識可移轉性與旅館經營績效是否會被經營型態與品牌權益所影響。問卷共發放198家,回收88家,有效問卷76家,主要分析結論如下: 在知識可移轉性與旅館經營績效相關性方面,知識移轉之成文化程度與旅館經營績效呈現相關、知識移轉之可教授程度與旅館經營績效呈現相關、知識移轉之標準化程度與旅館經營績效呈現相關。知識移轉之系統化程度與複雜化程度對旅館經營績效並無顯著相關。 在旅館組織型態對知識移轉及旅館經營績效影響干擾方面,獨立經營的情況下,知識的標準化和旅館經營績效成顯著正相關。直營連鎖和管理契約的情況下,知識的標準化和旅館經營績效成顯著正相關。特許加盟的情況下,知識的標準化和旅館經營績效成顯著正相關,知識的系統化和旅館經營績效成顯著負相關。自願連鎖和共同推廣的情況下,知識的可移轉性和旅館經營績效並無顯著相關。 在品牌權益對知識移轉及旅館經營績效影響干擾方面,高品牌權益指數的情況下,知識可移轉性之系統化程度與旅館經營績效達顯著負相關,知識可移轉性之標準化程度與旅館經營績效達顯著正相關。低品牌權益指數的情況下,知識的可移轉性和旅館經營績效並無顯著相關。 The purpose of this study is mainly aimed to find the correlation between knowledge transfer and hotel operation performance. Furthermore, brand equity and the operational style were selected to be moderator variables to explore if the relationship changed by these cases. Totally 198 questionnaires were sent out and 76 valid ones were received. The findings of the study are listing as follows: 1. Testing of the correlation between knowledge transfer and hotel operation performance. (1)Codifiability of knowledge has significant correlation with hotel operation performance. (2)Teachability of knowledge has significant correlation with hotel operation performance. (3)Standardization of knowledge also has significant correlation with hotel operation performance. (4)In systematic of knowledge, there is no correlation with hotel operation performance. (5)In complexity of knowledge, there is also no correlation with hotel operation performance. 2. Testing with the operational style equity were designed as moderator variables. (1)Under the operational style of independent operator, only standardization of knowledge has positive correlation with hotel operation performance. (2)Under the operational style of regular chain or management contract, standardization of knowledge also has positive correlation with hotel operation performance. (3)Under the operational style of franchise chain, standardization of knowledge has positive correlation with hotel operation performance, while systematic of knowledge has negative correlation with hotel operation performance. (4)Under the operational style of voluntary chain or referral, factors of knowledge transfer have no correlation with hotel operation performance. 3. Testing with brand equity were designed as moderator variables (1)Under the grope of high brand equity index ranking, standardization of knowledge correlated positively with hotel operation performance, while systematic of knowledge has correlated negatively with hotel operation performance. (2)Under the grope of low brand equity index ranking, factors of knowledge transfer have no correlation with hotel operation performance.