女性性意識長久處於父權社會建構下而受到壓抑,網路此一具有匿名、隱私、易得等特性之虛擬世界是否可以成為女性追求情慾自主及性解放的空間?本研究以紮根理論研究法為主要研究方法,實地進入WWW中的色情聊天室長期觀察女性在聊天室中的使用行為,並深度訪談七位女性使用者探索女性使用色情聊天室的動機及經驗,亦收集大量聊天室密談記錄以了解聊天室中兩性互動。 研究結果顯示,在色情聊天室中的女性深知虛擬世界與真實世界的差異,大多認為網路不安全及虛假。在尋求情慾解放時仍受限於父權社會規範對自身性別的建構,因此,在聊天室的行為也明顯有性別上的差異,不但在追求情慾時易遵從父權社會長久建構的女性腳本,更不時受到男性使用者以性騷擾型式展現的性歧視及對言語、行為上的檢查,甚至比真實世界更為嚴重。 In a patriarchal society, women’s self-consciousness of their sexuality is often repressed or retarded. Does the anonymous, private, and easy-access cyber space enable women to seek sexual autonomy and emancipation? Ground-theory is used to analyze data in this research. The researcher stayed in and explored a WWW-based adult chat room for ten months, and the texts read become part of the data. Depth-interviews with seven female users were conducted to understand what and how they feel in the chat room. A large volume of private conversations permitted by the managers were collected to analyze the interaction between men and women. The result shows that women differ the real world from the cyber society. .Most of them feel the cyber space is not safe and unreal. When seeking sexual pleasure and gratification in a so-called liberated space, such as Internet, they are still restricted by the gender power structures constructed in the real world. The rules and power relationships of gender roles seem to govern how these female users act, and they suffer even more sexual harassment, discrimination, and examination from the cyber society.