女性處於一個結合服務性與專業性的領隊職場中,遭受父權與資本主義的多重剝削與宰制,面臨公、私領域間的角色壓力與衝突。本文對女性領隊進行深度訪談,結果卻發現:女性從來就不是處於組織與結構下的必然犧牲品,她們已經在惡劣的環境裡自我賦權,進行著專業角色的操演與實踐。自由切割不同的角色與情感,呈現出「專業笑容」與「專業真誠」的專業服務,從各種社會建構下的刻板印象與個人經驗裡,謀劃出一套專業角色的常規戲碼,化逆境為順境,發展成更為專業的溝通方式與策略,保障權利與自主性,藉以鞏固女性領隊在職場上的專業角色定位。 Females, working as tour leaders characterized by a close combination of expertise and service nature, not only suffer from the dual exploitation of patriarchy and capitalism but also confront with stress and conflict between public and private sphere. For the purpose of this article, a series of in-depth interview of the female tour leaders are conducted. However, The research result indicates that female has never been the inevitable sacrifice of society and organization. On the contrary, they have already learned to self-empower in the harsh environment and they’ve been performing well in their professional roles. Their capability to switch different roles and free control female sentiment in the different setting makes it possible for them to provide tourists with qualified service of professional smile and passion. These female tour leaders have broken through the social stereotype and created a way of transferring the adverse environment to favorable one smoothly. By doing that, they have developed more professional communication ways and tactics, and have protected their rights and independence which consolidate their professional position.