摘要: | 本研究關切電視收視、涉入程度與閱聽人對媒介內容價值觀之認同程度間的關係,同時也嘗試將個人價值觀做為中介變項,以進一步地了解個人價值觀對收視行為、涉入程度與閱聽人對媒介內容價值觀認同程度的影響。 本研究主要採用價值觀主題分析與電話調查訪問兩種方法,前者用來分析電視劇「飛龍在天」所傳遞的價值觀;後者則用以探知民眾的收視行為與媒介內容價值觀認同程度之間的關係,研究結果發現: 1. 「飛龍在天」共呈現了情愛、性別角色、忠孝、仇恨、人情義理、團結合作、遵從權威、社會秩序、寬恕、及安分守成等十個價值觀主題。在所有的價值觀中以傳統價值觀出現較多,現代價值觀較少。 2.曾收看「飛龍在天」的閱聽人較不曾收看的,更加認同「飛龍在天」所傳遞的價值觀,而暴露量、涉入程度以及個人價值觀這三個變項與「飛龍在天」價值觀認同程度有顯著的正相關。即使控制個人價值觀後,收視行為、涉入程度和「飛龍在天」價值觀認同程度的相關性依舊顯著。 3. 重視內在價值觀者,對「飛龍在天」的暴露量較高;重視人際間價值觀者,對「飛龍在天」的涉入感較深;個人價值觀總分較高者,則會愈認同「飛龍在天」所傳遞的價值觀。 This research mainly focuses on the relationship among the television viewing, the degree of involvement, and viewers’ identification with values on TV. The personal value was also taken into account as a mediating variable. Two methods, the theme analysis of value and telephone survey, were used in the study. The former was to analyze the values delivered by the soap opera, Dragon on The Fly, while the later was to investigate the relationship between television viewing and the viewers’ identification with values delivered by the drama. Ten themes were presented in Dragon on The Fly. They were love, gender roles, loyalty and filial piety, hatred, humanity and justice, consolidation and cooperation, compliance with authority, the order and principles of society, forgiveness, and conservative defensiveness. Among value-themes emphasized, the traditional values were weighted more than the modern ones. Audiences who ever watch Dragon on The Fly tend to agree more on the values shown than those who never watch it. Positive correlations were found between the level of identification with the media value and the amount of exposure, the degree of involvement, and the personal value. People who have strong internal values tend to be heavy viewers, while people who have strong interpersonal values tend to be highly involved in viewing. In sum, viewers who think much of the personal values tend to agree more on the values in the soap opera. |