本研究以本國30家一般銀行為研究對象,利用混合性資料(panel data),透過超越對數成本函數,分析民國81年到89年間台灣地區銀行業之相對成本效率,並利用混合資料迴歸方程式,探討影響銀行相對效率之效率因子。 相對效率的研究結果顯示:一、世華商業銀行的相對效率為最高,高雄區中小企業銀行相對效率最低。平均相對效率水準介於75%至77.99%間,表示不同年度間相對效率差異不大。二、本國各類型銀行效率水準中,商業銀行中之新銀行之效率值最高,其次是公營銀行,而公營銀行之效率又優於民國80年前成立之商業銀行與專業銀行。三、依據樣本銀行的資產總額分類,發現規模適中的銀行效率較佳,其平均效率介於76%到94%之間。 效率因素的研究結果顯示:一、資產總額、國內分支機構數、催收款比例、營業費用率愈高,對銀行之相對效率有不良影響;而自有資本比率愈高則有助於相對成本效率的提升。二、不同分類銀行對效率有顯著影響;專業銀行相對於新銀行無效率。三、資產規模對效率有顯著影響;資產規模中等的銀行相對於最大規模銀行有較高的成本效率,但統計上不顯著。 The study, following the model constructed by Cornwell, Schmidt, and Sickles (1990), analyzes the cost efficiency of 30 banks in Taiwan from 1992 to 2000. The influential factors of bank’s efficiency are also investigated using a panel-data model under the assumption of random effect. It is concluded that: (1) On average, United World Chinese Commercial Bank has the highest cost efficiency, while the Kaohsiung Business Bank the lowest. The differences among the samples, however, are not substantial. (2) New commercial banks are the highest efficient, the government-owned banks are the next, then are the commercial banks founded before1991, while special-purposed banks are the lowest. (3) Banks with middle scale in total assets have the highest level of efficiency. (4) The total assets, the overdue loan ratio, the number of branches and the operating expense ratio have positive effects on the levels of efficiency of the banks. (5) The impact of the scale in total assets on the efficiency is significant. (6) Different types of banks have no significant effects on the efficiency.