三層式架構資訊系統之中間層服務模型是以服務物件化、網路化的資訊系統的核心。目前資訊科技(IT)界在強調的網路服務物件(WEB SERVICE)概念既是中間層服務模型的延伸,對於網際網路環境中使用者多、資料存取量大、變異性高與要求快速回應的需求特性上,中間層服務模型如何增進資料庫的存取效能、善用主機的資源,是IT部門重要的課題。我們利用分散式物件模型,提出一改進的服務物件模型稱為兩件式服務模型,類似以Worker/Service Threads的服務模型,使用一代理物件負責與前端訊息溝通,利用代理物件可以提供更多使用者的同時連線的需求。而服務物件則利用Pool的管理模式管理,改進資源的使用效率。我們並提出一動態調整系統資源使用的數學模式,讓系統依最新的狀況自動配置,使整體服務效能達到最佳化。 我們的模型已實際應用於南華大學校園資訊系統中,利用此模型整合WEB 與傳統Client/Server架構,建構出新的服務形式。 Three-tier model is the most popular architecture in current application information system. It is an important issue that the performance will be effected significantly under heavy load. Moreover, for the traditional system, it restricted the concurrent internet user due to resource limitation. We propose a model, called worker/service threads. Our model has two stages. In the first stage, an agent response to connect to the internet user, the stage allow more user connect to the system at the same time. At the second stage, we provide a dynamic resource allocation model. The model can improve the resource utilization base on system status. The proposed model has been applied in Nan Hwa university and show the approach run efficiency.