網際網路的出現帶動了電子商務的蓬勃發展,同時也逐漸改變了以傳統的實體通路為主的商業模式,在網路上購物已是消費者心中的另一種選擇,然而是什麼原因使原本在實體商店購買的顧客,轉向虛擬的網路商店呢?是因為網路商店的價格較便宜嗎?因此,本研究針對書籍與CD,以實證研究的方式,觀察網路市場與傳統市場的價格變化。而研究結果顯示,台灣市場網路商店的價格仍是高於實體商店的價格。 價格並非決定消費者購買的唯一因素,網站本身的內容也會影響消費者的購買決策。因此,為了解國內、外高流量的書店與CD店之網站建構內容,本研究應用內容分析法,針對這些網站做整體性分析,研究結果發現,「產品內容說明」、「關鍵字查詢產品」、「顧客對產品意見蒐集功能」、「線上差異化定價」、「介紹產品相關動態與活動」、「會員專屬功能」以及「線上交易功能」等主要資訊內容是電子商務的重要考量因素,可以做為一般書店與CD店在未來推動電子商務時,所遵循的基本原則。 The presence of internet promoted the flourishing development of electronic commerce. It changes gradually the trade model traditionally based on the real entity of business. Shopping on-line has become another choice of consumers these days, but what is the reason that causes this movement of change ? Is that only because the price is low on internet ? This study aimed on the marketing strategy on books and CDs. Then, we analyzed the various factors that drags people buying on-line. This study revealed that price on-line is not lower than conventional shop in Taiwan. Other factors such as 「Product Details」, 「Keywords Search」, 「Consumers Information Accumulation」, 「Discriminated Pricing」, 「Promotion Activities and Information」, 「Membership」and 「On-line Buying Function」are important factors for stores joining the electronic commerce.