台灣証券自民國五十一年交易以來,為穩定股價波動,即設有漲跌限幅,但此機制是否有效,一直存有正反兩面的看法,贊成者認為價格設限,可使投資人有較長的時間冷靜處理資訊,因而降低市場波動性,但反對者認為此舉將降低市場流動性,阻礙均衡價格的形成,且因而產生外溢效果,而使波動性增加。 歷年來國內外學者對於股價設限的效果,在不同地區,不同的觀察時間及運用不同的研究方法所得出的結論,正反皆有;而本文則蒐取了民國八十七年四月三十日至八十九年五月一日止兩年日資料,分別對不同產業進行抽樣研究,並將資料分為碰觸價格設限及接近價格設限兩組進行三假設的比較分析: (一)延遲的均衡價格形成假說(二)波動性外溢假說(三)阻礙交易假說。在研究方法上,本文以報酬率指標,運用Binomial檢定來檢測。延遲均衡價格形成假說;以波動性指標,運用Wilcoxon檢定來檢測波動性外溢假說;以流動性指標,運用Wilcoxon檢定來檢測阻礙交易假說。 經由本文實証得知,在本文研究期間,價格設限並無法抑制投資人過度反應,而是將未反應之資訊順延,因而通過了延遲均衡價格形成假說的說法;而價格設限亦無法抑制變異數波動幅度,而使波動性外溢,且有過度反應現象;另外價格設限也使流動性降低而使交易產生延遲現象。 綜合本文結論,雖與國外學者互有異同,然與大多數國內學者結論卻大多一致,也就是,說股價漲跌限幅並無法順利達到政府一開始所設定的政策目標;以漲跌限幅來穩定股價波動。因此本文結論亦可提供政府當局在制定股價漲跌限幅時,是否得斟酌其寬度及效度的有效性,以免徒勞無功。 There are price limits in Taiwan stock market to stabilize the stock prices since 1962.Their effect is controversial. Some argue that price limits make investors come down to deal with shocks and thus market volatility declines.But some argue that price limits make market liquidity decreases and postpone the formation of equilibrium price,futhermore spillover effect comes out and volatility increases. In this paper we uses the daily stock return data from April 30,1998 to May 1 , 2000 to examine the following three hypotheses:(1)the equilibrium price delay hypothesis ,(2)the volatility spillover hypothesis , and (3)the trading interference hypothesis.The tests here used are:Binomial test and Wilcoxon test. The empirical results show that price limits make the investor overreact to the shocks and the formative of equilibrium price is delayed,the volatility spillover is increased,and the trading is blocked.In someday,we find that price limits policy can not stabilize the stock prices and fails to achieve the established goal.Our findings are consistent with most of the domestic research papers or theses but not so consistent with foreign literature.