摘要: | 本研究旨在探討不同人口變項(性別、父母婚姻狀況、家長職業、家長教育程度、家長管教態度、家中排行次序、科別)、人格特質(人格內外向傾向、生活適應性、情緒穩定性)、情緒智力與學習成就之間的關係。為達研究目的,首先進行相關文獻之回顧及探討,其次以「自我情緒的了解、調整、運用以及對他人情緒的了解、調整、運用」等六個構面建立情緒智力架構,發展「情緒智力量表」。進而以「情緒智力量表」及「賴氏人格測驗」分別測驗情緒智力與人格特質。最後,以八十九學年度就讀於高雄市立海青工商的學生為實證分析對象,採部落抽樣,實測所得資料分別以敘述統計、變異數分析、迴歸分析等統計方法分析。本研究的重要結果如下: 1.高職學生的人口變項除了性別、父母婚姻狀況、母親職業、父母管教態度、科別對人格特質有影響外,其餘影響性並不大。 2.高職學生的人口變項除了性別、父親管教態度、家中排行次序、科別對情緒智力有影響外,其餘影響性並不大。 3.高職學生的人口變項除了科別對學科成績有影響外,其餘對學習成就影響性並不大。 4.人格特質中除了內外向傾向與生活適應性對情緒智力有影響外,其餘影響性並不大。 5.人格特質中除了情緒穩定性對實習成績與學習成就具有影響性外,其餘影響性並不大。 6.情緒智力中除了對自我情緒的調整會影響學科成績、實習成績與學習成就,及對自我情緒的運用會影響學科成績外,其餘對學習成就影響性並不大。 The purpose of this study is to investigate the relationship among population variance (gender, parents’ marriage, occupation, education level, attitude of discipline, birth order, academic subject), personality traits (tendency toward introversion or extroversion,ability to adapte to the environment,ability to control emotions), emotional intelligence and learning achievement. To reach the goal of this study, the first step is literature review, the second one is to constitute the frame of emotional intelligence by understanding, adjusting and using self-emotion and the others’ emotion and develop the emotional intelligence survey. Then test the emotional intelligence and personality traits by “emotional intelligence survey” and ”Lai-Shih personality survey”. The subjects are the students in Kaohsiung Municipal Hai-Ching Senior High School of Technology and Commerce in 2000. The subject was cluster sampled, the data was analysis by descriptive statistics, variance analysis and regression analysis. Below are the results of this study: 1. Beside gender, parents’ marriage,mother’s occupation, parents’ attitude of discipline, academic subject, the other population variance are not influential to vocational school students on personality traits. 2. Beside gender, father’s attitude of discipline, birth order, and academic subject, the other population variances are not influential to vocational school students on emotional intelligence. 3. Beside the academic subject, the other population variances are not influential to vocational school students on learning achievements. 4. Among personality traits, only tendency toward introversion or extroversion and ability to adapte to the environment are influential on emotional intelligence. 5. Among personality traits, only ability to control emotions is influential on internship performance and learning achievements. 6. Among emotional intelligence, only adjusting of self-emotion can influence academic result, internship performance and learning achievement, and using of self-emotion will influence the academic result. |