台灣加入WTO(世界貿易組織)後,接著「石油管理法」亦經立法院審議通過,國內油品市場將呈現全面自由化的趨勢,因此促使經濟部決定加速中油公司民營化的進度。然而民營化會衝擊企業本質、結構以及文化上的劇烈變動。對現有員工而言,最擔心惶恐的就是工作權將會失去保障,原先兼具公務員的身分亦隨之消失;其他如薪資待遇、褔利、退休撫卹、保險等切身權益,都將面臨不確定之處境。員工難免會採取不合作或產生抗拒的行為,同時對公司的向心力也可能會產生巨大而激烈的變化。 本研究係針對中油公司所屬14個單位之員工,對公司民營化變革之認知、態度與組織承諾程度及其關聯性影響,以問卷方式進行研究探討。 從資料分析結果發現,工作保障仍是員工最深切關心的問題,大部份員工的態度是傾向支持民營化,也了解「民營化」是目前的趨勢,但中油公司為了配合政策及大環境的改變,勢在必行。因此,中油公司在規劃民營化時,除應提高企業競爭力以維護公司永續經營外,尚要能兼顧員工的工作權及權益福祉的保障。在規劃演變過程中,各種決策提早說明讓員工了解與調整心態,定能避免以訛傳訛,導致人心惶惶。轉型成功與否端賴全體員工與公司密切的合作,方能順利完成企業民營化的目標。 After Taiwan joined the WTO(World Trade Organization), The Law of Petroleum Management was also passed by The Legislative Yuan. The petroleum products in the domestic market will be liberalized totally, so The Ministry of Economy decided to make CPC’s privatization much faster. For those employees, they are afraid of losing the protection of working right, the originally owned official status will disappear, and the other benefits such as salary, fringe benefit, pension and insurance will be also not sure. It is possible for them to behave uncooperatively. This research is to poll the CPC’s employees in fourteen units; it is to study the relative influence of their knowing, reaction attitude, and organizational commitment. From the analyzed data, we find that the protection of working right is the most important problem that the employees are very much concerned for. Most of them tend to support privatization, and they also realize that privatization is a recent trend. The CPC has no choice to go with the government policy and the present social tendency. While planing privatization, CPC should be not only much more competitive but also pay attention to taking care of employees’ working right and fringe benefit. CPC must let her employees know the policies in advance so as to adjust themselves to the new environment, and this can avoid people’s apprehension. Whether the changing towards privatization is successful or not all depends on the employees’ close cooperation.