摘要: | 在日常的生活經驗中,場所往往是提供人們一個生活世界的真實存在觀看,而社會群體也因為對場所的情感與記憶的積累,對地方場自然產生一股無名的連結網絡關係。傳統聚落(traditional settlement)在經濟發展中,形成人口大量外流、鄉鎮沒落的真實現象。一條看似平凡的街道,曾經是南來北往的商業中心,「利澤簡」(Li-Jer-Jian)在昔日仰賴水陸船運的時期,原為蘭陽平原溪南地區的貨物集散重鎮,但是經過社會變遷的發展轉變,老舊的街區留下歷史記憶中的空間形貌。原本在冬山河的整治規劃完成之後,藉由空間的連結關係,人們期待這裡能夠有一番新的面貌被創造,但是事實上卻是在政策的導引下,新的市街興起,所建設的新式快速道路卻切斷了新與舊的聯繫,造成新舊街區的發展斷裂,也形成令人疏離的空間性。 生活在利澤簡的人們,長久以來都是處於邊陲的地位上,卻仍將過去的生活世界存在看作是一件真實,但是昔日的生活情境在人們的記憶重構與回塑中,積澱與變化出對地方的新觀察。人們不該以西方觀點的主觀意識來詮釋地方性與在地化,但當昔日生活世界的真實存有經過建構與詮釋後,生活空間中所留下的是無限的鄉愁之情。研究者進入地方場所的生活世界實際記錄參與之後,促使得研究者對場所的凝神關注能有一份更深刻地書寫,是一份屬於在地的地方生活史紀錄,且在日常生活異化的論述概念之下,探討經過建構的社民生活空間。 研究過程結構中包含下列幾點:首先在常民文化的生活空間裡,地方生活世界處於社會空間中,其特殊的本質能否被重新看見與重新形構。其次藉由對女性角色的觀察,看見地方的性別差異,透過女性的現聲,看到多元文化的可能性。最後生活空間是否在營造後變化,在地居民又是如何看待專業團隊的參與。在社民空間的文化營造中,記憶的建構重新探討場域認同的議題。對於利澤簡的發展應該要呈現的不是對歷史記憶的無限緬懷,而是應該在社群結構的機制下,討論對地方發展的未來性以及全球化的影響之下,不被看見的場域如何經由工具的運用操作,進而有被看見的可能性。 By land and water transportation, Li-jer-jian used to be the business center of Lian-Yang Champaign and His-nan Area. Nowadays, because of economic development and society changing of the area, all the rural traditional settlements in Taiwan as Li-jer-jian are being struggling by unavoidable changes to their way of life- the dwindling populations and unemployment. Originally, the citizens of Li-jer-jian expected the flood-control work along the Tungshan Creek would bring the old days back to their life. In fact, the government policy and new construction have cut the linkage between old and new communities. Li-jer-jian lost its importance as a business center, but with its historic memory it till maintains much of its past grandeur and many of the values that accumulated in the years gone by. As an observer, the author used local, not western, point of view to attend and record the real world of Li-jer-jian community. The goal of living with local people is to get the both researcher and citizen involved, so that they can help to create a report which they feel belongs to them. By chatting and interview, the researcher rebuilt both the historical and real Li-jer-jian community in this study. There are three parts in this research project. The first part discussed the cultural uniqueness of Li-jer-jian community was attracted any attention by the whole Taiwan society, or not? Secondary, by using female point of view, the researcher interpreted the gender difference of this community that also presented the cultural diversity of our era. The last part reviewed two topics: if the living space changed by this study, and the citizens’ attitudes toward the team. After investigation, the researcher believed the future development is more important than reminiscing on the glories of days gone by. All traditional settlements, like Li-jer-jian, in Taiwan need to think how to develop their future but not be attacked by globalize; moreover, they have to find out a kind of method to be seen on the world stage. |