題名: | 兩岸公務人員考績制度之比較研究 |
其他題名: | A Comparative Study of the Performance Appraisal System for Government Employees between Taiwan and Mainland China |
作者: | 黃榮烈 |
貢獻者: | 公共行政與政策研究所 許仟 Chien Hsu |
關鍵詞: | 公務人員考績制度;考績因素;考績方法;考績程序;考績結果運用 Performance Appraisal System for Government Employees;Appraisal Indicators;Appraisal Method;Appraisal Procedure;Application of Appraisal Result |
日期: | 2002 |
上傳時間: | 2015-05-28 10:15:32 (UTC+8) |
摘要: | 人力資源管理最重要的工作,即在激勵及引導員工發揮潛能,並使其績效表現對於組織目標的貢獻達到最大,而組織中最主要的管控及導引員工工作行為的機制便是考績制度。在我國現行公務人員考績制度為論者所批評,淪於「形式化」與「輪流制」,失去以工作績效頒發獎金,激勵士氣的用意之時,對於與我們具有同文同種的海峽彼岸,其公務員之考績制度是否有值得我國借鏡、反省之處呢,便引發作者強烈的研究動機。尤其隨著中國在國際舞台所扮演的角色日行重要,兩岸民間交流日漸頻繁之際,如能增加對彼岸制度的了解,相信更能化解彼此間的歧見。本文期透過對考績的理論研析與對兩岸公務人員考績制度的沿革及現況的分析瞭解,進而比較兩岸之間的差異,並提出改進我國公務人員考績制度之建議。 本文採用文獻分析法與比較研究法,蒐集相關論著、期刊論文、研究報告、政府文件及法令規章等參考文獻資料,進行整理與比較分析,在架構上全文共分為六章,其內容概述如下: 第一章:緒論。揭櫫研究動機與目的;研究範圍與架構以及研究方法與限制等。 第二章:考績制度的基本內涵與理論探討。探討考績的意義;考績制度的重要性與定位與及考績的理論。希望透過對考績相關概念的全面性瞭解,以期對考績制度有正確的認識。 第三章:兩岸公務人員考績制度的沿革及現況。前面二節探討我國公務人員考績制度的沿革與現況,後二節則是析論中共公務員考核制度的沿革與現況。本章的要旨乃在探討兩岸公務人員考績制度的發展歷史與現況,以求對兩岸的公務員考績制度能有更深入的理解。 第四章:兩岸公務人員考績因素與考績方法之分析比較。第一節就我國公務人員考績因素與考績方法進行探討,第二節則探究中共國家公務員之考核因素與考核方法,第三節則比較兩岸公務人員考績因素與考績方法之差異。 第五章:兩岸公務人員考績程序與考績結果運用之分析比較。本章共分三節,分別探究我國及中共公務員考績程序與考績結果運用之情形,最後並比較其中之異同。 第六章:結論與建議。將本文研究心得作一歸納並提出研究建議。 根據作者研究發現,公務人員考績問題有其複雜性,而兩岸公務人員之考績制度雖有其相似性,但亦不乏差異性。就整體而言,我國公務人員之考績制度確較中共更為客觀公正,在程序正義之維護上更是周全縝密,然而中共之制度亦有其可取之處,譬如其公務員考核因素之設定或考核組織功能之設計等,均有值得參考之處,故不宜因政治立場的差異就給予全盤否定。 The most important task in human resource management is to encourage and help employees to develop their potential so that they can fully contribute to the organization’s goals. The main mechanism for an organization to control and influence the performance of its employees is the performance appraisal system. The current appraisal system for government employees in Taiwan has been criticized for being a mere formality and for rewarding employees by turns without regard to performance. Incentives for monetary rewards for hard work and accomplishments are thus lost. Because people in Taiwan and China belong to the same race and have the same language, a strong motivation exists to use China’s performance appraisal system to examine Taiwan’s and to study whether China’s system can be used as a model for Taiwan. With the increasing importance of China’s role on the international stage and more frequent cross-strait communication between the people on both sides, each side’s preconceptions towards the other can be eliminated through a better understanding of the other’s performance appraisal system. This paper analyzes the theory of performance appraisals. Then it compares the two appraisal systems on both sides of the Strait and proposes improvements for Taiwan’s appraisal system for government employees. This paper used document analysis and comparative study as the research method. Related books, periodical articles, research reports, and government documents, laws, and regulations were compiled. A comparative analysis was then made. This paper consists of six chapters. A summary of the content of each chapter is as follows: Chapter One: Introduction. This chapter presents the motivation for and the purpose of the study, as well as the research scope, structure, method, and limitations. Chapter Two: An Exploration of the Basic Concepts and Theories of the Performance Appraisal System. This chapter gives the significance, importance, orientation, and theory of the performance appraisal system, as well as a review of the literature. The purpose is to present a comprehensive and correct understanding of the performance appraisal system. Chapter Three: The History and Current Condition of the Performance Appraisal Systems in Mainland China and Taiwan. Chapter three aims to give a further understanding of the performance appraisal systems in China and Taiwan by exploring the development of the appraisal systems and their current situation. The first two sections review the history and present status of Taiwan’s system while the last two review Mainland China’s. Chapter Four: An Analysis and Comparison of Appraisal Indicators and Methods used in Taiwan and China’s Appraisal Systems. Section one discusses the appraisal indicators and methods used to appraise Taiwan’s government employees. Section two presents those used to appraise Mainland China’s government employees. Section three compares the appraisal indicators and methods used on both sides of the Strait. Chapter Five: An Analysis and Comparison of Appraisal Procedures and Results of Appraising Government Employees of China and Taiwan. This chapter is divided into three sections investigating the following subjects: appraisal procedures, the application of appraisal results, and a comparison to identify differences and similarities. Chapter Six: Conclusion and Suggestions. This chapter provides a conclusion and gives suggestions for future studies. According to the author’s findings, the performance appraisal system for government employees is complex. The performance appraisal systems for government employees of Mainland China and Taiwan have differences as well as similarities. Generally, Taiwan’s system is more objective and fair, safeguarding procedural equity more carefully. China’s system; however, has its own strengths which are worth learning. These include the establishment of the appraisal indicators and the functions of the appraisal organizations. Therefore, it is not appropriate to disregard its strengths due to political differences. |
顯示於類別: | [國際事務與企業學系(亞太研究碩士班,公共政策研究碩士班,歐洲研究碩士班)] 博碩士論文-公共政策研究碩士班
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