「九年一貫」之於教科書,乃新里程之開始。本研究即由國小教科書開放時程,蒐集業者市場行銷策略概況,予以歸納整理,以指出業者行銷現況,並就產品、價格、通路與促銷等四P策略,檢討策略優缺,提昇教科書品質。並藉研究背景動機衍生研究目的如下: 1.瞭解九年一貫國小教科書出版概況。 2.分析出版機構的行銷策略。 3.探究國小教科書業者,如何利用行銷策略調適、因應市場變化。 4.探討國小教科書市場供需發展現況及問題。 本研究方法經由研究架構與流程設計,經由審核通過教科書出版業者為研究對象,進行深度訪談及問卷調查,配合研究文獻與教科書開放時程,在研究過程中,發現之代表性結論: 1.業者產品完整,且積極e化。 2.通路主要結合經銷商以拓展市場。 3.促銷活動更見積極辦理研習,以多元方式提昇教法技巧。 4.以顧客滿意度為導向的服務品質。 對於業者建議方面: 1.增加對消費者(學童)之價格服務。 2.提昇業者行銷規劃能力與政策洞察力。 The innovative 1-9 consecutive curriculum for textbooks is a new milestone. The study aims at collecting strategies of textbook makers and pointing out the present status of sales and marketing for textbooks used in primary schools. The four “P” strategy, product, price, placement and promotion is reviewed in order to understand the strength and weakness of bookmakers as well as to enhance the quality of textbook. The study’s purpose is as follows: 1.To realize the publishing status of textbooks used in primary schools. 2.To analyze sales and marketing strategies at publishing institutes. 3.To study the sales and marketing strategies of publishers and the method of facing market change. 4.To study current developments and problems in the supply and demand of textbooks. The research method is designed by studying framework and flow. The objects of study are qualified publishers of textbooks. The in depth and questionnaire interviews are applied upon doing researches. Literature review, relevant textbooks, and the background of publishers are also used in the study. In the process of the study, the conclusions are as follows: 1.The publisher should create a more complete line of products, become e-commerce capable. 2.The distribution should mainly include the consignees and expand the potential market. 3.The promotion should be arranged actively; apply it in a way of diversification and enhance the teaching skills. 4.The goal of service quality should rely on consumer’s satisfaction. The suggestions for the publisher: 1.Setting a good price for consumers (students of elementary school). 2.Increasing the strength of sales and marketing and policy strategy.