顧客關係管理(CRM)從1999年延燒至今,大都是從科技與企業管理兩方面,進行科技應用發展或改善企業管理流程方法之相關研究。本研究由CRM的意義與內涵來探討CRM系統的顧客價值與企業價值,對台灣的圖書出版業做為此一命題之研究,並應用閔庭祥(2001)所提出的CRM系統價值衡量模型為研究論述。 研究中以「圖書出版業特性」與「CRM系統價值」的關係,建構「CRM系統價值衡量模型」,再以此模型衡量「圖書出版業採用CRM系統的意願」,問卷發放與回收後,將有效樣本,進行敘述統計分析,及利用Pearson相關係數來檢定各項假設關係是否成立。 最後本研究應用閔庭祥(2001)所提出的CRM系統價值衡量模型,除了以相關性分析獲得印證外,並透過多元迴歸分析作進一步的探索該模型對於圖書出版社採用意願之解釋能力,結果發現假說均獲得支持,證明了價值衡量模型應用於圖書出版業的可行性。 From the emergence of Customer Relationship Management in 1999 to present time, most of studies conduct developing technological application and improving method of business management process from angles of technology and business management. But the study explores customer value and business value of CRM system through the meaning and contents of CRM while uses publishing industry in Taiwan as the target of this proposition. The study also applies the value measure model of CRM system presented by Vincent Ming (2001) to discuss the subject. The study structures “value measure model of CRM system” by the relationship between “the characteristics of CRM system” and “value of CRM system.” Then it measures “the will of publishing industry for adopting CRM system” with “values measure model of CRM system.” After distributing and collecting questionnaires, we conduct analysis of descriptive statistics of effective samples and take advantage of Pearson’s correlation coefficients to test whether various hypotheses of relationship are established or not. At last, the study applies the value measure model of CRM system presented by Vincent Ming (2001) to verify the hypotheses by correlation analysis and furthers to explore the ability of model with multiple regression method to interpret the will of publishing industry for adopting CRM system. The results support all hypotheses and thus that proves the feasibility of application of the value measure model of CRM system on publishing industry.