摘要: | 隨著文化市場的逐步成形和大眾文化的迅速興起,商品觀念日益渗進文藝領域。傳統的藝術觀念、審美理想、欣賞品味已大規模移位,經典、精緻、嚴肅的文化產品受眾有限,而通俗、新穎、娛樂性强的消費形式卻日益盛行。「暢銷書」正是反映此現象的實例,它以不斷改變的流行文本或隱或顯地投射出“大眾文化”的消費性傾向和通俗化趨勢。本研究將以文學類暢銷書購買者為研究對象,深入瞭解文學類暢銷書購買者的生活型態與消費特性,並利用生活型態變項將不同的文學類暢銷書購買者加以分群定義,找尋各類型的文學類暢銷書購買者在消費行為和人口統計屬性上的差異與關連性。此外,藉由研究結果以作為出版業者擬定出版計劃與行銷策略時的參考。 本研究採用問卷調查法蒐集資料,回收有效問卷四百七十二份,使用敘述統計、信度分析、因素分析、集群分析、區別分析、卡方檢定、單因子變異數分析、t檢定、雪費﹙Scheffe﹚多重比較分析等統計方法。 本研究結果發現:1.不同生活型態類型的文學類暢銷書購買者在人口統計 變項與消費行為上有顯著差異。2.不同人口統計變項的文學類暢銷書購買者在消費行為 上有顯著差異。3.文學類暢銷書購買者在評估準則上對於「書籍內容」最為重視,其次為「文辭流暢、易懂」、「印刷品質」;而對於「出版社名氣」與「有無知名推薦人」最不重視。 As the cultural market is gradually shaped up and popular culture is burgeoning, the concept of merchandize has permeated the field of arts and literature. The traditional concept, ideal of aesthetics, and tastes of appreciation have shifted drastically. Classical, delicate and solemn cultural products have a limited audience, while popular, new, and highly entertaining consumer fashions have prevailed more and more greatly. “The best seller” is an example reflecting such phenomenon. It directly and indirectly projects the consuming inclination and trend of popularization of “popular culture” with incessantly changing popular documents. This study was to target purchasers of non-fiction best-sellers. The research was to obtain a better understanding of life-style and the consuming characteristics of these purchasers, define the subgroups and cluster them, and look for differences and correlations in consumption behaviors and characteristics of vital statistics among purchasers of different categories of non-fiction best-sellers. In addition, our study findings may serve as references for publishers when proposing publishing projects and sales strategies. This study used the questionnaire survey to glean the data, and collected 472 valid questionnaires. The analytical methods included descriptive statistics, validity analysis, factor analysis, cluster analysis, discriminant analysis, one-way analysis of variance, chi-square test, t-test, and Scheffe multiple comparison analysis, etc. The findings were as follows:1.There was significant difference in vital statistic variables and consumption behaviors among purchasers of non-fiction best-sellers with different life-style.2.There was significant difference in consumption behaviors of buyers of non-fiction best-sellers with different vital statistic variables.3.The primary criterion purchasers of non- fiction best-sellers used when judging the quality of these books was the “content of the book”, followed by other criterion “ fluency and easily comprehensible language” and“ printing quality”; purchasers paid least attention to the “reputation of the publisher” and “if the book was endorsed by any celebrity”. |