題名: | 安寧療護志願服務人員服務動機及其服務現況之探討 |
作者: | 陸金竹 CHEN-CHU, LU |
貢獻者: | 生死學系碩士班 周玲玲 |
關鍵詞: | 安寧療護;志願服務人員;服務動機;服務現況 |
日期: | 2003 |
上傳時間: | 2015-05-28 14:15:05 (UTC+8) |
摘要: | 國內自1990年2月創立第一家「馬偕安寧療護」以來,十多年來安寧療護志願服務人員的身影也逐漸成長,並穿梭在安寧病房中。由於罹患癌症的人數逐年攀升,預估未來,安寧療護的推展與社區化勢在必然,安寧志工的養成與需求亦將應運而生。安寧志工的角色是病家與團隊間的聯繫橋樑,更是安寧團隊中不可或缺的潤滑劑。了解安寧志工願意投入安寧療護工作的動機與特質,發現安寧志工在服務過程中所遭逢的歷練與困難,探就安寧志工對自己與團隊的期許。透過研究發現來改善國內安寧療護志工運作的模式,讓更多社會人士投入安寧志工的行列,讓安寧療護社區化,更多安寧志工的身影隨處可見,才是本論文研究最終目標。 本研究之研究對象為安寧療護志願服務人員,以立意取樣的方式,選取十五家安寧病房列為全部施測對象,總計發出問卷349份,回收有效問卷226份,有效回收率為65%。 主要的研究結果發現:一、研究樣本特性方面:安寧療護志願服務人員以女性居多,男女比例1:5.43;年齡層以40~59歲(76.1%)居多;教育程度以高中(職)人數最多有37.6%;宗教信仰以佛教徒最多佔68.6%;婚姻狀況以已婚者居多佔69.5%,職業以家庭管理者居多佔35.4%,約有八成以上的志工未參與其他醫院安寧志工服務;有一半以上的安寧志工跨組參與其他組別;平均服務年資3.73年;平均每月服務4.45次;平均每週服務時間為3.46小時;有八成五的志工未曾擔任幹部;九成以上的醫療機構有舉辦志工工作檢討會,最後招募訊息來源則是以本院員工或志工的口碑相傳介紹為主。二、安寧志工服務動機方面:(一)參與最強的社會責任感、自我實現與增加社會參與。(二)安寧志工服務動機並不會因基本特質之不同而不同。三、安寧志工的服務動機和志工的基本特質及服務現況的相關部分不多,但安寧志工基本特質與服務現況之間卻有很多相關。 研究建議:一、對安寧志工的管理應以民主與尊重的態度。二、教育安寧志工轉介社工之必要性。三、提供安寧志工夥伴互動的機會。四、重視安寧志工教育訓練,以增進深層服務,如靈性照顧、家屬陪伴。五、培養專業安寧志工,協助悲傷輔導團體。六、安寧居家療護社區化。七,建立安寧療護志工全國服務網絡。 Since February 1990, the first “Mackay Memorial Hospital Hospice & palliative care” established, the quantity of volunteer of hospice & palliative care increases every year. As the cancer patients grow in number, the popularization and communities of Hospice & palliative care is leading and the training volunteer of hospice & palliative care becomes more and more important. The role of volunteer of hospice & palliative care is a channel of communication between patients and the team of hospice & palliative care. By this research, improving the operation of hospice & palliative care, let more and more people to join the team of hospice & palliative care, and the proper connection of hospice & palliative care with the communities is the final objective of this thesis. This researchable object is volunteer of hospice & palliative care, in purposive sampling, choosing 15 ward to investigate. Total questionary are 349, the effective recycling is 226, effective returns-ratio is 65%. Main research finding:(I)In the character of the research samples, most volunteer of hospice & palliative care are female, ratio between male and female is 1:5.43; age group of 40~59 is the most(76.1%); senior high school and vocational school are the most in the level of education(37.6%); most religious belief are Buddism(68.6%); most people are married(69.5%); 35.4% are house managers. About 80% volunteer do not join other hospital’s service of Hospice & palliative care, more than half volunteer of hospice & palliative care joint not only hospice & palliative service but also other service. The volunteer’s average service time are 3.46 hours per week, 4.45 times per month, and have average serviced for 3.73 years. About 85% volunteer of hospice & palliative care do not serve as the cadre members. Exceeding 90% hospital have hold the working inquest for volunteer. And the hiring message essentially coming for the employee of the hospital or the senior volunteer. (II)The motivation of volunteer are: 1, to have social responsibility, self-fulfillment, and participation. 2, the motivation of service will not change by the basic character of the volunteer. 3, the service condition of the volunteer are mainly correlated with the volunteer’s basic character. Research comment: 1.the volunteer should be managed with respect and democracy; 2. patients with certain social or fanatical difficulties should be introduced to social workers by volunteer of hospice & palliative care; 3. providing the chance of interactivity between the volunteer; 4. increasing deeper services, like mental care, accompany with patient’s family; 5.making the volunteer more professiona; 6. the hospice & palliative care should be more communities-based; 7. establishing the contrywide network between hospice & palliative care volunteer. |
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