亞太地區逐漸成為世界的經濟重心,東亞地區最大的區域組織為東協,2001年中國與東協決議在2011年以前,成立「中國─東協自由貿易區」,日本與南韓也加強與東協的經濟整合,東協加三在東亞地區已成為一股趨勢,東協加三若能透過政治和經濟的密切合作,會促進東亞的區域整合,因此政治和經濟因素是影響東協加三的主要因素,依國際政治經濟的角度來區分,本研究把東協加三的促進因素分為東協經濟和政治的變遷、「中國─東協自由貿易區」的進展、日本參與東協加三的進展與南韓參與東協加三的進展,東協加三的障礙因素分為東協加三的發展困境、中國威脅論、南海領土糾紛、日本威脅論、東亞金融危機、美國的干預等因素,針對以上因素分別加以探討。 台灣與東南亞的經貿關係越來越密切,1994年起,台灣開始推行南向政策,由於兩岸的特殊關係,台灣不希望遭遇區域經濟邊緣化的危機,本研究藉由台灣南向政策的探討,以及提出面對東協自由貿易區、「中國─東協自由貿易區」、東協加三的因應之道。 The Asia-Pacific region has become the most important center in the world. ASEAN is the biggest regional organizations of East Asia. In 2001, China and ASEAN decided to establish “China-ASEAN Free Trade Area” before 2011. Japan and South Korea enhance economic integration with ASEAN. ASEAN plus three become a tread in East Asia. If ASEAN plus three improve political and economic relation, it will enhance regional integration of East Asia. The main factors of ASEAN plus three are political and economic factors. The enhance factors of ASEAN plus three are the change of politic and economic, the progress of “China-ASEAN Free Trade Area, ” the progress of Japan and South Korea joint ASEAN. The obstacle factors of ASEAN plus three are the difficult position of ASEAN plus three, the threat of China, the threat of Japan, the dispute of South China Sea, a finance crisis of East Asia, the intervene of America. The research is to analyze these factors. The relation of Taiwan and Southeast Asia is intimate. Taiwan began to carry out “South direction policy” in 1994. Across the Taiwan Strait relation is special relation. Taiwan doesn’t want to face the rim of regional economic situation. The research is to analysis South direction policy. The research is Taiwan to resolve “ASEAN Free Trade Area” and “China-ASEAN Free Trade Area” and ASEAN plus Three how to resolve problem measures.