「非營利組織」是現代社會中日益重要的社會福利機構,它與政府「公部門」,以及企業「私部門」三者之間相輔相成,分別滿足許多社會需求,共同完成許多社會任務。現在「非營利組織」已成為目前之新興話題,且逐漸的成為彌補「公部門」與「私部門」在功能不足或服務不周之外「第三部門」。但最近經由新聞媒體揭發出來的幾件關於「非營利組織」不當的運作或組織內部的分裂-----經由這些事件使研究者警惕到:任何單位及組織都有可能發生危機,「非營利組織」當然也不例外;因此能否事先做好「危機管理」,並建立「危機預防的機制」,在現今的社會中,這已是重要的議題。 本研究將針對「非營利組織」中的「農會」--以探討嘉義縣地區的農會「金融危機管理」作為主題;自一九九五年至二○○三年,嘉義縣地區共有三家農會發生過金融擠兌危機;今以這三家農會─民雄鄉農會、東石鄉農會、水上鄉農會為主要研究對象。研究者在研過程中發現:雖然嘉義縣地區發生金融危機的三家農會,雖各有各的危機因應計畫,但都有其欠周延之慮。研究者建議農會應把危機處理小組任務明文化,最好要有演練的機會,這樣理論才能與實務相結合,這才是農會危機管理成功的最大關鍵。綜合本研究的研究發現與建議,研究者在此呼籲全省農會能及早建立金融危機預防機制、擬訂金融危機策略,將發生金融危機的機率降到最低、將發生金融危機的上害減到最低,此即為本研究最大的目的。 “Non-profit Organization"is a growth important social welfare institution in modern society. It has mutual relationships with the public sectors of government and privatesectors of enterprises. All of the three sectors are separately to meet the demands of our society and to fulfill their social responsibilities. At the present time, “Non-profitOrganization” is a brand new term. It will gradually become a third sector to make up the in-sufficiency and ill-service of other two sectors. Since media uncovered several cases about the unsuitable operations and the interior Split-ups within these organizations, researcher began to aware that, as any organiza-tion or institution, “Non profit Organization” must has the probability to cause its crisis. To manage its“Crisis Management” in advance and to establish a mechanismfor crisis prevention are the important tasks in our modern society. This study is focused at “Farmers’Association”, a kind of“Non profitOrganization”. It is a survey about the topic of “The Crisis Management of Non-profit Organization,-A Case Study of Financial Crisis Management of Farmers’Association in the Area of Chia-yi County.” From the period of 1995 to 2003, there are three Farmers’Associations took place “RUN ON”crises. They are the Farmers’Associations of Ming-hsiung,Tung-shih and Shui-hsia. Those associations are the main objects for this study. According to the visiting data, this survey analyzed the reasons of their financial crises and their strategies for those crises. Assisted with documents survey and theoretical elements,this study wishes to propose a suitable model for the financial crises of Farmers’Associations by case study and analyses. And uses the model to help Farmers’Associations dealing with their tasks with sound function and smooth operation. Furthermore, to reach the aims of this study :1.To probe the role and function of Farmers’Associations. 2. To analysis the processes to treat the financial crises ofFarmers’Associations in Chia-yi County, 3. To offer a model for preference,4. To up-grade the abilities in financial crises management.