摘要: | 台灣雖為資源稟賦缺乏之蕞爾小島,但屢創經濟奇蹟,累積外匯存底,無不仰賴人力資源所致,尤其技職教育體系培育之人力,對台灣經濟發展之貢獻不可抹滅。但近年台灣高等教育環境丕變,外有加入WTO之後市場開放競爭,內有出生率降低、教育政策變革致高等教育機構數量增加,其中技職教育約占了半數比重,高等教育密度幾為全球之冠,凡此無不對台灣高等技職教育產生直接衝擊,而世界各國亦吹起整併之風潮,依此,關於台灣高等技職教育整併策略有深入探討之必要性。本文乃以台中技術學院為例,探討其整併之策略,期建構技職院校整併之模式,作為後續研究及政策之參考。 本文考量非營利組織管理之模式,向來沿用企業管理之理論,而高等技職教育係屬非營利組織之範疇,且國內外企業合併之經驗與研究成果豐碩,故本文以企業合併之理論轉化為技職教育整併之依據,輔以高等教育整併之國際經驗,作為本文之理論基礎。 衡諸本個案之特性,本文採質化研究中的個案研究法,為使研究成果豐富,研究方法之施行採檔案文件分析,參與觀察及訪談法。茲摘錄主要結論於下:1.台中技術學院在整併前就內部資源評估之優勢為:校史悠久、校譽佳、交通便捷、教學大樓擴建、龐大完整師資群、學生學習成果佳;劣勢為:校地、校舍不足、學生素質降低、無完整行銷策略;外部環境之機會為:新興工業園區、終身學習風氣、學程學位制、法令鬆綁、加入WTO與國際接軌;威脅為:新學校的設立、財務壓力、大陸學校誘因。2.兩校整併之動機在於追求成長及配合政府之政策,整併之類型為成長型,吸收合併型及強弱合併型。3.兩校整併之困難在於經費問題、認知差異、缺乏地方政治力推動及強弱合併之隱憂,而兩校整併成功之條件為政府力量支持,地理位置接近,資源互補,地位品質相當,創新發展能力及具有歷史規模,至於使命及組織成員因子則持保留態度。4.本研究以規模經濟、大眾化及市場化及共同成長模型指標檢視整併之效益,發現(1)兩校整併後將可逾10,000人,躋身大規模學校,分攤固定成本及硬體設施而享有規模經濟。(2)兩校整併後將可分四學院辦學,達到多元辦學及特色,並將自主權引入市場機制使資源運用效率提高,並依社會之需求辦學,同時資金來源多元化。(3)從共同成長型合併之評估,得知兩校在未來將為共同之願景努力,並提供本校資源協助整併,並強化學術資源及財政基礎。在學生來源方面將有穩定之入學率,且提高校友人數,人事方面將保留多數人,而在總校區僅留一系統主管學校事務,藉媒體提高形象,在資源增加後,決策更具有經濟效益,同時將整併後加強兩校之合作列為第一要務。 綜合上述之研究成果,本文建議教育部對已完成整併之學校,加強督導落實願景,並要求管理績效,其次良好之教育品質有賴資源挹注,故建請長期充裕給予技職體系教育資源,為國家培育人才。對台中科技大學呼籲兩校相互尊重與包容,建議做好衝突管理共享整併願景,並落實整併理念,同時提升自我競爭力,繼續維持傳統優勢外並發掘創造新競爭優勢。 Taiwan, a small island lacking for natural resources, again and again makes her economy a miracle. The cumulation of foreign exchange reserves is mainly attributed to the abundant human resources. Especially, the manpower fostered by the vocational and technical education is a significant contribution to Taiwan’s economy. However, the environment of advanced education have greatly changed in recent years: External competition arising from more open market soars at the heels of Taiwan’s participation in the WTO. Domestically, a decline in the birthrate, a boost in the number of schools of advanced education, half of which are vocational and technical institutes, and an almost highest advanced education density lead to the direct impact upon Taiwan’s vocational and technical education. Meanwhile, a climate of merger pervades the globe. Therefore, it is essential for us to deeply discuss the strategies of merger in vocational and technical education. In this paper, the strategies of merger applied by National Taichung Institute of Technology are fully examined. The analysis is expected to establish a model for institutes planning to merge, and serves as reference material for policy-making and further study. According to the fact that theories of business management are constantly adopted in the management model of nonprofit organization, and that vocational and technical education can be classified into nonprofit sector, this paper is grounded on the theory of business merger and the plentiful overseas experiences in advanced education merger. Examining the case mentioned above, this paper adopts the case study method of quality analysis. In a bid to enrich this research, document analysis, in-depth observations and interviews are mainly implemented. The major conclusions are presented as follows:1. Merits that the National Taichung Institute of Technology possess are long history, fine reputation, convenient transportation, renovated facilities, huge faculty and student’s excellent performance; The shortcomings, however, are limited areas, degrading quality of enrollees, and lacks of marketing strategies. The external opportunities lie in an adjoining emerging industry park, a lifelong learning fashion, degrees granted, undone restrictions and the participation in the WTO. The threats arise from the establishment of new academies, strapped finance and the competition from Chinese Mainland.2. Pursuing growth and following up the Government policy are the major incentives for schools to merge with each other. The merger types can be divided into three categories: growth, combination, and annexation.3. The difficulties in front of the two schools are tight budgets, distinct conceptions, lack of supports from local governments and implicit worry from being annexed. And the support from the Government, vicinity of locations, sharing of resources, compatibility in status, ability of creativity and the long history will contribute to the successful merger. The influence of two factors, sense of achievement and members of organizations, are however reserved.4. This paper examines the benefits stemmed from a merger by economies of scale, popularization, marketization and index of mutual growth model. The findings are as follows. (1) The students and faculty amount to 10,000 after a merger bringing the school a membership in large-scale schools and sharing fixed cost and facility. As a result, economies of scale can be applied.(2) The merger leads to a diverse learning, which highly fits in with society demands and, at the same time, multiplies the sources of capital. And autonomy introduced in the mechanism of market contributes to the efficiency of resource operation. (3) In the mutual growth model analysis, the two schools will work together for their own prosperous future. The effort will help organize school’s resources, and therefore strengthens the foundations of finance and research. The enrollment rate will be stable, and the number of alumni will rise. Most of the personnel will remains, but the administrations should be reduced to one system. Media will be used to improve reputation. Because of the increase of resources, policies become more effective, and cooperation is critical after the merger. Judging from the results presented above, this paper recommends that the ministry of education forcefully supervise those schools that are completely merged, in order to reassure the perspective set beforehand. Furthermore, an eminent quality of education relies on the infusion of sufficient resources, and hence a long-term of government educational assistance for vocational and technical education is strongly suggested for the purpose of developing future elites on this island. As for the going-to-be merged “Taichung Technology University,” each member of the school should pay total respect and tolerance towards each other in order to control conflicts. In addition, the school should continue to keep its initial priority and proceed to excavate competitiveness as a new advantage for promoting the school in educational strata and lastly achieve the ideal of school merger. |