摘要: | 解嚴以來,台灣媒體產業仍由少數資本集團壟斷,言論的多元性在媒體競爭過程中被削弱,弱勢小眾團體的聲音更屬邊緣化。但隨著資訊社會的來臨,網路提供了新興弱勢族群發聲的新管道,其中最引人重視的便是各種「非營利網站」的出現。由於這類型網站經常受限於資本、經營方式不善等緣故,凋零者眾,殊是可惜。本研究企圖利用個案研究的方式分析經營有成的非營利網站,並利用Porter的價值鏈理論分析其內部的產品設計、生產、行銷、運輸、支援作業等多項獨立活動,及探討網站之對外行銷狀況,希望能透過其經營方式比較,提供經營非營利網站之適合策略。 經由與個案的訪談,本研究發現持續經營、資金、實體推廣活動議題的限制、網路的形式限制、與使用者的互動等方面,都是目前非營利網站必須面對的問題與困境。根據個案分析,本研究發現以下研究發現:一、成本領導的重要性。二、對外推廣與策略聯盟。三、通路的多元性。四、非營利的使命感。五、與使用者之間的交流與互動。 除了從這些研究發現探討其在資源面、價值面、互賴面等層面的策略邏輯外,另外也提出對日後非營利網站經營以及相關研究的建議:一、建立完善的募款機制。二、發行電子報。三、擬定完善的行銷策略。四、加強義工的參與及支援。五、納入更多觀察個案。六、對使用者進行調查與研究。七、更多元的觀察面向。 Although the martial laws were revoked in 1980s, the media in Taiwan is under control by cartels and voices of the minority groups are still marginalized. However, the prevalence of the Internet creates a new tool for the minor voices to counter the traditional main-stream media. Our research, based on the alternative media theory, aims to analyze the operations of nonprofit websites for minority groups in Taiwan. Using Michael Porter's value chain theory as a frame of analysis, we probe into their internal and external activities in search for the difficulties, challenges facing the nonprofit websites. We find some indispensable factors for a successful nonprofit website, 1.The importance of cost leadership, 2.Promotion and marketing, 3.Varied places, 4.Nonprofit missions, 5.Interaction with users, and provide suggestions about nonprofit website operations and future research: 1.Establishment of well fund raising machines, 2.Publishing of electronic newspapers or newsletters, 3.Establishment of suitable marketing strategy, 4.Reinforcement of volunteers' participation and supports, 5.Observation of more cases, 6.Research to users, 7.Observation of more dimensions. |