隨著全球網際網路熱潮,以網際網路為媒介之電子商務(Electronic Commerce)正以虛擬通路形式快速發展中,有別於以往傳統通路,電子商務帶來的是新興的電子零售商店(e-tailing)與網路購物(e-shopping)等課題,夾帶著打破時空優勢與成本優勢等特點,讓網路消費者行為成為新興的熱門研究課題。本研究主要針對網路購物特點作介紹,並以女性化妝品購買行為為例,整理目前化妝品網站型態,針對網路上女性化妝品相關網站分析整理,針對有線上交易部份研究,目的在研究女性在網路上購買化妝保養品之人口統計變數與分析消費者購買行為,深入探討女性消費族群之人口統計變數與網路經驗變數、生活型態變數對其購買行為與消費者未來再購買意願是否有影響。 Each day technology platforms are integrated into new and different businesses -- all designed to quickly , easily and efficiently provide any number in the industries with a niche service or product. As the Internet revolutionizes— the new business model is done for e-tailing and e-shopping which e-commerce is growing — the growth in Internet consumers behaviors means that more people are shopping on-line. Currently, thousands of manufacturers, distributors and retailers are using hundreds of online marketplaces to simplify the traditional supply chain. That trend is only destined to grow, according to market research and forecast analysis to the Internet consumers’ behaviors. This research will focused on the Cosmetics Web Site, the female Population on Web grows could reflect a confluence of changing Web demographics and analyzes Internet penetration, e-commerce penetration, products purchased online, influence for consumers behaviors.