本研究藉由SAP Business One 系統連結Call Center 系統來執行Y 公司的客戶關係管理,Y 公司是日商KYB 公司在台灣投資的避震器製造公司,我們完成了在SAP Business One 建立每一個產品的設備卡與序號,用以記錄包括產品的服務契約效期在內的許多客服相關資訊;並且搭配Call Center 系統的自動撥號與錄音功能,記錄解決客戶問題的過程以避免與客戶的糾紛;更進而累積成為解決方案知識庫,以達到日後加快解決客戶問題的速度與提升客戶的滿意度。最後使用兩個客服情境來說明系統的運作情形。 This case-study manages customer relationship based on SAP Business One and Call Center system for Y Company. Y Company is a Sub-company of KYB Company in Taiwan which manufactures Shock-absorbers. We established equipment card and serial number for every product, there are several customer related service information recorded on the equipment card including product service contract period. We also record the process of every customer service call to avoid argument with customers. Furthermore, for responding quickly to customer’s questions and achieved better customer satisfaction, we build up a service-solution knowledge database. at last Two customer service scenarios are used to demonstrate how the system works.