隨著企業全球化和網際網路的普及,管理者透過網際網路可以很容易分享網路上的資訊,同時,隨著資訊來源的多元化,資料儲存的品質與廣度需要提升,才能幫助管理者制定決策,以滿足客戶的需求,並提升公司的競爭力。目前資料倉儲方面相關的研究多偏重於理論與架構性的探討,缺乏建置實務的經驗。因此本研究以某飲水機公司為對象,建置多維度模式﹝Multi-DimensionalModel﹞以進行銷售分析並透過Web將銷售分析的資訊提供客戶、供應商、公司主管、員工查詢,了解公司目前的營運狀況。 資料倉儲和線上分析處理﹝On-Line Analytical Processing, OLAP﹞是決策支援的必要元素。因此目前許多的公司已經開始注意到資料倉儲的技術,並且已經導入資料倉儲了。在組織中導入資料倉儲已成為企業資訊化的發展趨勢。有鑑於資料倉儲可提供企業更好的決策性資料,使得公司可以有效的運用資料幫助決策者制定適當的決策,讓公司可以有更好的發展性和前景。因此本研究希望能夠藉由個案分析,實際探討企業使用資料倉儲的情形和傳統作業型系統之問配合使用的情形。透過網路將這些功能呈現給相關人員作決策與查詢,本研究將以平台與資料觀點出發,提出具體的改善方案與方法。 The corporation globalizations and Internet popularization inspired managers to share lots of information in software systems and to easily acquire from systems. With the diversification of information resources, the data warehousing with high quality and breadth of information can help managers to make precise decisions, to satisfy the demands of customers and further to move up the competition of enterprise. Unlike to other studies of data warehousing always explore the theories and frameworks without realistic experience of establishment, this thesis establishes the multiple-dimensional model with data cube to analyze sale situation with respect to the drinking fountain manufacture. The proposed system also uses the WWW technology to provide the business data to customers, company managers and employees to understand lots of present corporation operation situations. Data Warehousing (DW) and On-line Analytical Processing (OLAP) are indispensable elements for decision-making; therefore corporations take notice of the technology of Data Warehousing. In fact, lots of large-scale organizations had adapted it already. The data warehousing help decision maker making more precise decisions for better developments and vision of corporation. This thesis expects to explore the application and fitness condition between traditional database system like the SQL server and Data Warehousing system. It presents these functions and operation mode to query and make decision in reality.