本研究主要目的在探討電腦輔助教學的效益,以了解電腦輔助教學的實施對於高職學生參加在校生丙級技能學科檢定帶來什樣影響,研究結果可以作為提升學生參加技能檢定學科檢定成績。 目前勞委會學科測驗題庫為是非題、選擇題兩種形式共1000題為考試依據,因題目是公開性質,很容易造成考生為應付考試死背答案,無法真正了解其相關電腦知識,加上教育部於八十九學年度實施新學年學分制,資訊科在專業課程及實習科目的課程上大幅縮減,嚴重影響技能檢定水準,基於前兩項因素,本研究中以職訓局勞委會公佈的「丙級技術士技能檢定-電腦硬體裝修」學科題庫為藍本,進行電腦輔助教學教材編排,並以國內某高職資訊科一年級學生參加「電腦硬體裝修」丙級學科檢定為本次實驗對象。 實驗對象將資訊科兩班學生分成兩組即實驗組與對照組,實驗組採用自行研發的電腦輔助教材,而對照組則採取傳統式教學方法,實驗結果,實驗組平均分數74.02,高於對照組平均分數61.86,顯示出電腦輔助教學能夠提升學生技能檢定學科成績。 The main purpose of this thesis is to explore the efficiency of CAI. In this thesis, we develop a CAI system to the students who will join authorized exams. Presently, there are 1000 test questions in the LRC (Labor Relations Commission ) database, and they can be classified into two types. One is right-and-wrong and another is selectiveness. Since the test questions are open resources, most students will recite the answers but not understanding. Moreover, the ministry of the education issues a new standard of courses in 1990. In the new issues, they reduce the specialized classes and practice classes of a department of computer science. These made the specialty of students weakly. Therefore, in this thesis, we develop a CAI system based on LRC database to students, The model group is chosen from year one students who study Computer and Information in a vocation high school. There are two groups: one is the experimental group and the other is the contrast group. The experimental group used the designed CAI material. The contrast group is taught by the traditional method. Finally, the result of the experimental group is better than the other group's.