本研究目的在建構醫院住院服務品質之顧客滿意衡量模式。以三十七項服務變項來衡量期望服務與知覺服務績效,並以敘述統計、單因子變異數分析(one-way ANOVA)等方法來分析住院病患家屬人口統計變項與期望服務及知覺服務績效間之差異。此外,並利用LISREL完整地探討期望服務、知覺服務績效、顧客整體滿意度與忠誠度之間的關係與建構顧客滿意度之模式以研提相關之改善建議,供醫院管理者參考。 本研究發現部份的人口統計變數對知覺服務績效有顯著差異。期望服務與知覺服務績效產生顯著的直接關係,並進而對顧客整體滿意度與忠誠度產生間接關係。知覺服務績效與顧客整體滿意度產生顯著的直接關係,並進而對忠誠度產生間接關係。知覺服務績效與顧客整體滿意度對忠誠度皆產生顯著的直接關係。 The purpose of this study is to establish the customer(patient) satisfaction model of hospital inpatient. 37 variables are used to measure customer's service expectation and perceived service performance. To analyze the difference of attitudes to satisfaction among inpatient customers with various demographic characteristics, some multivariate analysis techniques including descriptive statistics, T-test, one-way ANOVA are employed in this study. In addition, LISREL is applied to investigate the relationship between the service expectations, the perceived service performance, the customer satisfaction and the loyalty. The findings of the study indicate partial personal characteristics bring significant difference in the perceived service performance. Moreover, the service expectations have a direct significant impact on the perceived service performance, and perceived service performance implies a direct significant impact on customer satisfaction. Sequentially,both the perceived service performance and the customer satisfaction directly impact the customer's loyalty.