經濟部商業司為協助業者強化其經營管理體質,提昇其競爭力與經營績效,並提供消費者安心、滿意的消費環境與服務品質,於民國八十二年起推出「優良商店認證計劃」,輔導商店業者實施「優良商店作業規範( Good Store Practice)」簡稱G S P。而G S P推動以來,政府投注不少經費、人力在輔導業者,其成果如何?對消費者而言,G S P認證店之服務品質是否較非認證店為佳?而對經營業者而言,認證後其經營績效是否較認證前提昇?凡此諸多問題均值得探討。 本研究之研究方法,在服務品質方面,採用不加權之「直接績效評量模式SERVPERF」來衡量;而在經營績效方面,則從平衡計分卡的四個構面(財務、顧客、內部流程、學習與成長)來探討。並以獲得經濟部GSP認證之便利商店業為研究對象,藉由比例抽樣針對其位於全國各地之GSP業者及其消費者作問卷。 研究結果顯示:1.GSP之服務品質不僅較非GSP為高,且廣受不同背景消費者的肯定;2.優良商店在認證後,其整體經營績效較認證前略有提昇。3.對便利商店業而言,GSP服務品質的良窳與其認證後經營績效之提升,尚無直接關聯。 In order to enhance the management ability, product compatibility and business performance, in 1993 Department of Commerce, Ministry of Economic Affairs established a certification plan and help stores to operate in according to the so-called Good Store Practice (GSP). The government has spent lots of funding and manpower for this program since then. Therefore, it deserves for this paper to study whether the GSP certified stores are both providing better service quality for customers, and also improving the operation performance. In this study, a survey using the proportional sampling method has been made for GSP stores in the country and their customers. The service quality is then evaluated by a un-weighted service performance model (SERVPERF). While for the operation performance, the four dimensions (finance、customer、internal process、innovation and learning) from the balanced scorecard is used. The results show: 1.GSP stores have better service quality than non-GSP ones, and they are more acceptable by consumers with various backgrounds. 2. After certification GSP stores make slightly enhancement in overall operation performance. 3. There is no direct relation between the improved service quality and the enhanced operation performance for the convenient stores after GSP certification.