在1989年社會主義體系崩潰之後,中東歐國家快速地朝向市場經濟轉型。其中,最不具備市場機制要素的捷克斯洛伐克在最初實行了快速轉型的經改政策。然而由於在轉型速度上與作法缺乏共識,捷克與斯洛伐克於1993年分裂為兩個國家,以不同的轉型政策朝向同一目標前進。捷克共和國繼續激進轉型,以最快速度實現了經濟的私有化。而斯洛伐克則為考量社會穩定而放緩轉型速度。經過十年的經濟轉型歷程,兩國經濟表現也因轉型策略的選擇而有所差異。本文試圖以制度分析的途徑對經濟轉型的表現差異進行分析解釋,主要根據激進轉型模式理論解釋捷克與斯洛伐克的轉型過程外,並分別以自由化政策、穩定化政策及私有化政策作為分析的架構,探討捷克與斯洛伐克轉型過程的政策選擇、改革速度及轉型狀況與未來經濟發展。從初期的經濟情況可以得知兩國本身的條件並不平等,因而改革的背景與契機也不完全相似,在經濟政策的實施上會有所差異,實施成效也未必與目標一致。在經濟轉型政策差異上,捷克與斯洛伐克在自由化及總體經濟穩定的步驟上大致相同。1993年分離後兩國最主要的改革政策差異在於私有化的過程。在私有化發展方面,捷克早期是依序不斷進行改革,並採用股權憑證私有化成為中東歐地區最快完成私有化的國家之一。然而,經濟結構改革的深層問題在潛伏了很長時間後顯現出來,並阻礙了經濟的成長與發展。而斯洛伐克共和國改採直接拍賣進行私有化後,使企業組織重建更難以實行,增加財政收入的目的也不如預期。財政困難與失業率的問題一直無法解決,因此經濟發展的停滯使得斯洛伐克一直趕不上捷克共和國的快速經濟發展。加上政治情勢不穩定,對於經濟改革政策搖擺不定又未能及早獲得國外資源及市場的幫助,因此改革過程並不平順。基於上述主要的經濟與其他非經濟因素,決定了兩國經濟表現的發展與差異。 After the collapse of the socialist system, central and eastern European countries accelerated their march to a market economy. Among these countries, the Czechoslovakia, where market institutions barely existed, preceded a radical change. Without a consensus in the speed of transition, however, the Czechoslovakia split into Czech Republic and Slovak Republic. Both kept their own path of transition toward the same goal. Czech Republic favored a radical strategy and fulfills the process of privatization, while Slovak Republic slow down for social stabilization. After ten years of transition, the choice of strategy does have influences to the economic performance. This thesis uses institutional analysis approach to research the economic transition progress of Czech and Slovak. The main strategy of transition including liberalization, stabilization and privatization in the two countries will be discussed through institutional aspects ranging from pre-reform institution, macroeconomic policies and speed of reform. The economic condition of Czech and Slovak in 1991 was not equal. Therefore, the selection of transition strategy was not identical. The main policy difference between the two countries is the privatization progress. The rapid privatization of the Czech economy has contributed to its first rank in the economic performance. But the failure to make much progress in restructuring the economy is its shortcoming. In Slovak Republic most privatizations were conducted through non-transparent management buy-outs, which were accompanied by mandatory conditions requiring the maintenance of employment and investment. The unstable political situation and swinging polices also deteriorated the economic transition. These factors contributed to the difference of transition performance between the two countries.