斯洛文尼亞面積二萬0二百五十三平方公里,人口至二00二年已達兩百萬人,地處巴爾幹半島地區西北邊,與西歐國家接壤的是義大利、奧地利,東北與匈牙利為鄰,南邊有克羅埃西亞,西濱亞得里亞海(the Adriatic Sea)。在地緣上,斯洛文尼亞是南聯各共和國最接近西歐國家的一個,在民主化受到西歐國家的影響最深遠;至於民族問題,亦是前南斯拉夫中引起種族矛盾衝突最輕微的共和國,這與國內的民族人口比例雖有關,但盧布里亞那(Ljubljana)當局的政策引導更是使得因民族問題而起的硝煙,對斯洛文尼亞民族矛盾衝突傷害減至最低,不若其他共和國聯邦,如塞爾維亞及波黑般有血腥的種族滅絕行為。因此,自轉型起,斯洛文尼亞當局在民族主義瀰漫的南聯中,對於完整主權的思考,及在追求國家獨立的過程當中,如何兼顧民主化的深耕;這些發展均與公民社會的發展、經濟程度高低有相關連的變項,將在本文中加以探討。 於一九九一年六月二十五日正式獲得完整國家主權的斯洛文尼亞,其在南斯拉夫聯邦共和國期間即是整體發展最為快速的一邦。前南聯總統狄扥逝世後,能夠凝聚整個南斯拉夫的向心力頓時消失,整體環境無法滿足斯洛文尼亞作為一聯邦國家內的一員,所要發揮的主體優勢。因此,斯國的政治菁英環顧國內外的情勢之後認為,唯有拋開意識型態的枷鎖,堅定地邁向追求國家主權一途,方是捍衛斯洛文尼亞國家利益的最佳選項。本文的目的即是在論證:斯國選擇「民主化」的方式,作為追求國家利益的途徑;而國家完整主權的追求,異其達致國家利益的戰略目標之一,而非終程! Slovenia has 20,253square kilometers and there are already 20 thouand people live in Slovenia. As a part of the Former Socialist Federation of Yugoslavia(FSRY), Slovenia has been ruled by the communist party for nearly half century. Under the federal system of Yugoslavia, Slovenia has never gave up to struggle for her sovereignty. By the ‘Soicial Management’ system and highly national identity, Slovenia could solid the internal public opinion and could work up the democratic transition from the political elite to popular more stable than other parts of FSRY. These thesis would like to discuss these issues as follow: 1. The back ground of the democratic transition of Slovenia. In the writer’s opinion, before Slovenia became the ‘Normal State’, people have begin to ask for the democratic reform inside the Slovenia. 2. In the process of Slovenia’s democratic transformation, struggle for the whole state sovereignty is just one of the whole strategy. So that we can’t regard the build up of the Republic of Slovenia as the end of the democratic transition in Slovenia. 3. We can regard the concept ‘Democracy’, the ’State Sovereignty’, as tools. And the final purpose is to seek to the national interests.