根據內政部建築研究所的資料顯示,台灣營建業耗能所排放的二氧化碳量超過全國總排放量的四分之一(其中建材生產佔9.31%,營建佔0.2%,建材運輸佔1.49%,住宅使用佔11.88%,商業使用佔5.94%,共計28.82%),可見良好的建築政策對國家的能源與環保問題影響甚巨。為此內政部建築研究所於1999年制定了綠建築的七項評估指標系統(綠化指標、基地保水指標、日常節能指標、CO2減量指標、廢棄物減量指標、水資源指標、污水垃圾改善指標),希望透過綠建築標章的頒發,來鼓勵綠建築的推動。實施三年多來,發現其七項評估指標系統的內容尚有改善之空間及擴大的餘地,進而在2002年將原先的七項評估指標再增加「生物多樣性指標」與「室內環境指標」,組成最新的綠建築九大評估指標系統。而本研究的目的即是藉由比較世界各國推廣綠建築的做法來探究我國綠建築政策之機制,除了進行綠建築相關應用工具之比較介紹外,也針對國內案例進行實證研究,並檢討我國綠建築標章制度的缺失,最後提出短、中、長期的策略目標與改善建議。希冀研究結果除了能讓相關的營造建築業者多多採用綠建築原則來施工之外,更可以加深一般社會民眾對綠建築使用之信心,讓我國綠建築推廣更為的有效。 According to the Architecture and Building Research Institute (ABRI) of Ministry of the Interior, the CO2 emissions generated from architecture and construction related sectors consist of more than one quarter of national total CO2 emissions in Taiwan. For easing this situation, government has been promoting the concept of green building aggressively over these few years, which includes the establishment of a green building evaluation and indicators system for evaluating and awarding Green Building (GB) certificates. After years of promotion, green building and its benefits are gaining more and more attention in Taiwan. However, several shortcomings in this system were also found. As a reinforced modification, two additional indicators were added into this system, they are: indicators of biodiversity and indoor environment. However, even after years of promotion the concept GB is still yet to disseminate. In this study green building tools developed from various countries (American, European Union countries, and Japan) were compared and analyzed. Besides, two residential buildings, which have been evaluated in the previous work using old evaluation system, were reevaluated using the new system. And results of this comparison reconfirm the previous study and show that green building is neither costly nor difficult to achieve- even with more stringent revised system. Some suggestions and recommendations are proposed for government, industry and academia to further expand the application and promotion of green building tools.