摘要: | 本研究是一個地景深層閱讀的過程與地景閱讀過後的文本再現。水裡坑的地景作為一個閱讀的文本,研究者所關注的是日常生活裡的身體經驗、集體記憶與地方性的空間意涵。整體來說,本論文是以歷史時間為軸,日常生活空間為緯的研究方向下,進行水裡坑地景的深層閱讀,並在閱讀地景的深層意義中揭露水裡坑的空間命運與空間性的社會生產與構成。 在研究的方法上,主要採取地方的歷史文獻、老照片的蒐集、地方耆老與居民的生活記憶訪談與身體的空間體驗來進行場所的解讀與書寫。在知識論的層次上,乃從地景詮釋的人文觀點出發,透過地方性知識、空間生產與社會建構的空間論述協助研究者建立對地方的觀感並架構一套閱讀空間的方法。最後以空間美學的討論方式從日常生活中的空間生產、身體經驗與集體記憶的幾個面向來建構水裡坑地方文化的空間意涵與主體性的空間意義。 針對上述的研究觀點,研究者以台灣空間美學的討論方式,一方面對空間研究做一個認識論的反思,另一方面亦透過地方場所的主體意義建構來解釋台灣的生活經驗。因此,研究所討論的時空背景是水裡坑在光復後的林業生產時期,這是一段日據與國民政府播台的過渡歷史場景,其地景上的特徵是對日治時期大量空間、經濟資源的接收與繼承。以新的意識型態、國族主義來殖民統治;在國家經濟的發展下,林業成為國家在爭取外匯的操弄資源時,台灣的城鄉與地方空間地景所產生的流動與變遷。整個研究的過程是在巨觀的歷史事實中,將林業生產的地景經驗聚焦於「水裡坑」,用來解讀水裡坑地方記憶與日常生活的地景表徵。並做為台灣城鄉林業生產時期的地方生活經驗詮釋。 因此對本研究主題「水裡坑林業地景與生活空間之社會建構」主要的討論核心在於:一、 水裡坑的地方意義與空間性的社會建構。二、 以水裡坑作為台灣城鄉林業生產時空架構下的地景與生活經驗揭露。 水裡坑空間美學的討論進行一個地方空間命運的探索、解構並做深入的瞭解。從對歷史發展過程的陳述,到地理空間資源的環境分析,最後進入伐木生產空間鼎盛時對水裡坑-小台北的空間想像。整個研究的旨意在揭露水裡坑集體記憶之社會生活。研究中並企圖從書寫的再現過程中,藉由生活者的自我陳述為水裡坑建構一個地方性的空間意義。研究的最後,看到了這個林產時期的空間性形成脈絡,這亦是水裡坑地方整體記憶與社會認同的集體指向。 This research is a textual representation of the process and outcome of deepened reading of the landscape of Shuei-li-keng. The landscape is treated as a ‘text’. What I investigate in this project is the spatial meaning of ‘body experience’, ‘collective memory’, and ‘locality’ in everyday life. On methodology side , taken from cultural heritage , historical documents and graphs that production of the forestry. Collective of old photos , local elders , life experience from inhabitant , and space experience by body , to process the deep reading of space . Based on epistemology, my research starts from a humanist point of view to interpret ‘landscape’. Through the spatial discourse of ‘local knowledge’, the ‘production of space’, and ‘social construction’, I build up a conception towards the ‘place’ and form a way to scrutinize the space. Thus, I adopt the notion of ‘spatial aesthetics’, and fabricate the spatial meaning of Shuei-li-keng’s local culture and its subjectivity by discussing several aspects, such as ‘the production of space in everyday life’, ‘body experience’, and ‘collective memory’. In my research, the discussion on spatial aesthetics of Taiwan interprets living experiences in Taiwan by the epistemological reflection on spatial studies on the one side, and by constructing the subjective meanings of local places on the other. Therefore, the spatial background for the whole research is set in the period of forestry production after WWII in modern Taiwan history. During the time, forestry has become a factor which affected the mobility and transition of local space and landscape in Taiwan’s urban and non-urban areas. From the macro-historical view of Taiwan’s process, I choose Shuei-li-keng as a focus to investigate the landscape experiences of the forestry production. My intention is to illustrate the collective memories and the shaping of the spatiality through forestry production. It can also be an interpretation of local living experiences during the period of forestry production of Taiwan’s urban and non-urban areas. The discussion of spatial aesthetics of Shuei-li-keng is an analysis of the providence of local spaces. My analysis starts from describing the local historical development of Shuei-li-keng to an environmental study of the geographical resources, and finally, to a spatial imagination of Shuei-li-keng, regarded as “Little Taipei”, in its peak of forestry production. The purpose of this research is to reveal the social life in the collective memory of Shuei-li-keng. By the process of ‘writing’, this research also attempts to construct a ‘local meaning of space’ by representing self-narrations of residents in Shuei-li-keng. At the end of this research, I find out the network of social life produced by the spatiality in the forestry production period. This is also the collective commitment to Shuei-li-keng’s holistic memory and social identity.Keywords: everyday life, Forestry Landscape , spatial aesthetics of Taiwan, collective memory, leaving space |