摘要: | 本國語文能力是一切學習的基礎,而校刊是一本豐富學生語文能力的課外讀物。學生可以藉由閱讀校刊提昇自身的創作、發表和學習能力,是校園生活中不可或缺的一環。但是,時代的變遷,使得現在的學生愈來愈不愛閱讀校刊,校刊文化在校園中逐漸式微。 本研究旨在探討台中縣國民小學學生校刊閱讀行為,以瞭解學生對校刊內容及滿意度、投稿行為、閱讀行為及閱讀動機的現象。研究方法採問卷調查法,進行卡方檢定、t檢定、單因子變異數統計分析,以期瞭解不同類型小學、不同背景學生在校刊閱讀行為之差異。經由統計分析的結果,獲得以下的結論: 一、校刊內容及滿意度部分:整體而言,學生對校刊整體的滿意度與國語成績、學校行政區域及學校規模有關,而與年級、性別及家中仍在校手足數無關。 二、校刊閱讀行為及投稿行為部分:不同類型小學及不同背景學生在閱讀場所的選擇、閱讀時間的長短、閱讀次數的多寡、投稿行為等項有顯著差異。級任教師的支持態度與指導行為,亦對學生閱讀行為及投稿行為有顯著的影響。 三、學生校刊閱讀動機部分:不同背景學生認為校刊可以提昇自己的閱讀能力、創作能力、發表能力等項有顯著差異。 根據所得的結論提出建議,希望能提供校刊編輯老師、學校教師、學校單位、學校主管機關做參考。 The ability of mother tongue is the foundation of learning, and school magazine is an after-school reading that can promote the language ability of students. The students can promote their ability of writing, publishing, and learning. The culture of school magazine has been indispensable in campus for a long period of time. However, as time goes by, students have less and less interests in school magazines, the culture of school magazines has been declining nowadays. This article intends to probe for the pupils’ reading events on school magazines in Taichung County to understand their satisfaction degree of school magazine, contributing behavior, reading behavior, and the reading motive. The research is by questionnaire survey, analyzing by Chi-square test, t-test and one way ANOVA to understand the differences of reading events on school magazines in different elementary schools and different background. By way of statistical analysis, the conclusion is below: First, part of the satisfaction degree of school magazine: generally speaking, the pupils’ satisfaction degree of school magazine concerned with their Chinese results, the category of administrative area of the school, the category of magnitude of the school, and have nothing to do with their grade, gender, number of their sisters and brothers in the same school. Second, part of reading behavior and contributing behavior on school magazines: pupils’ from different types of elementary schools and background have striking differences in the choice of reading places, period, times and the behavior of contributing articles. The home-room teachers’ support and directing also influence on pupils’ reading behavior and contributing behavior. Third, part of the pupils’ reading motive on school magazines: pupils from different background have striking differences in that the school magazines can promote their ability of reading, writing and publishing. I expect that the suggestions according to the conclusion could be references for school magazine editors, teachers, school units and institutions in charge. |