出版社為了求生存,不得不迅速地發行新書並增加書籍的種類;在此情況下,每個人的書籍擁有量不斷地攀升,相對地對書本的珍惜程度也不可同日而語。因此有些書在買的時候是憑一股衝動,但也許它卻是另個讀者遍尋不找著的書籍,經營二手書店的業者便是秉持著這樣的立場與想法來鼓勵大眾交換、提供貨源來買賣二手書籍。 本研究係以二手書籍的購買者為研究對象,利用問卷調查的方式來蒐集資料,輔以spss統計軟體來對問卷進行研究與分析。試圖找出二手書籍市場的消費者行為外;並提供二手書店業者經營方針的參考。 茲將本研究之發現歸納整理如下:1. 二手書店的消費者以15~25歲的年輕學生消費族群為主;通常為了找尋某書籍而來逛二手書店。2. 交通是否便捷、書店內書籍分類方式、定價、種類多寡與書籍的狀態會影響消費者購買意願。3. 北部地區消費者以女性居多;南部地區以男性居多;男性停留時間以半小時到一小時居多;女性則是半小時以下居多且上班族及菜籃族居多。4. 消費者的性別、婚姻狀態、教育程度以及月收入均不會影響消費者的購買行為。惟價格合理與否, 隨不同收入的消費者而有不同的重視程度。5. 消費者職業不會影響他們對二手書籍屬性的重視程度;不同職業的消費者對於二手書店形象與二手書店店內設計有不同的重視程度。從事服務業的消費在消費金額方面亦較高,這樣的結果顯示出他們較具有自我意識與自我價值觀,其購買行為亦以自我需求為出發點。6. 喜愛結交朋友與較懷舊的消費者,他們對二手書籍要較明顯地偏好且相當重視會員制度。 For the sake of survival, publishing companies have to issue new books quickly and expand kinds of book. In this case, each one holding the number of books rose continually, but keeping books as treasure was not considered important. It is a impulse to buy some books, someone may need but never be found those books. Running second-hand store should hold on the attitude and thought to encourage people to exchange and supply the source of second-hand books. The survey took the buyer of second-hand books as a studying object. Through asking list to collect data, we use SPSS to go on reseach and analysis. The survey will try to find the consumers behavior of second-hand book and to be as a reference for running direction of second-hand bookstore. The survey was summaried as below: 1.Young students,15~25 years old, are the major consumers. Usually they try to find some books which they want in second-hand bookstore. 2. Consumer’s volition can be effected by traffic, book classes, pricing, kinds and the status of books. 3.Male consumers in south area is more than fermale and 30~60 minutes is the average of stayed time in bookstore. Female in north area is major consumers who are office staffs or bouse-wives and stay less than 30 minutes. 4.Consumers’ purchasing behavior can not be effected by Sex, marriage, level of eductation and monthly income. But Pricing reasonable or not was considered important based on consumer’s income. 5.Consumers’ occupation can not effect their attention to the attribute of second-hand books. The image and design in second-hand book store was considered important by consumer’s different occupation. Purchasing cost of second-hand books was higher for service business the results show that they have more self-consciousness and self-value. 6.It is obviously that consumers who befriend and yearn prefer the second-hand books. They thought a member system is important.