有些人在生命的途中,突然遭受意外的燒傷,因此失去了原有的容顏。加上社會文化的價值觀,均崇尚美麗與健康,對容貌異於常人者,總是傾向賦予負面的評價,所以使得中途顏面燒傷患者須同時面臨內、外的衝擊。本論文即旨在了解中途顏面燒傷患者,改變容顏後對其自我身體心像的影響、呈現其生命轉化的脈絡,並以其生活世界的經驗與意義治療的理論做為理解的參考架構。 本研究採取質性研究中的敘事研究方法,深度訪談三位已能正向的面對其顏損生命的中途顏面燒傷的患者,以其自我敘說的生命故事為文本。再以「整體-內容」呈現其生命故事;以「類別-內容」探討在生活世界的經驗內涵,以及生命價值的來源。 結果發現本研究的三位研究參與者,均能展現符合意義治療理論的意志與態度,並在各自的生活世界中,重新獲得自我的價值與生命的意義,亦經由這歷程修復受挫的身體心像,進而達到障礙的超越。本研究最後依此歸整岀一可能的生命轉化脈絡,希望能有助於中途顏損者及助人者。 Some people became facially disfigured by accident in the middle of life process. Since our society and culture incline to value the beautiful and healthy, those people with facial disfigurement are always endowed with negative judgments. This social factor worsens their situation. Taking the facially disfigured persons of adventitious burn as the targets of this research, the researcher attempts to explore the changing of their body images and meanings in the context of their life-transformation process. In regard to research method, the holistic-content mode and categorical-content mode instructed by narrative research method are adopted, as a means of analyzing the self-narratives of three participants who have been able to face their fate positively. While the holistic-content mode is applied to delineate the whole picture of their life stories, the categorical-content mode serves to decipher some major aspects of their meaning -searching experience. The research result found that there is a strong will or attitude shown by the three participants during their life transformative process, which in turn resembles the concept of attitude value proposed by Logotherapy. In addition, their meaning-finding process is closely related to their act of restoring the body images, which is considered the major factor contributed to their overcoming the obstacles. Finally, the researcher contextualizes a possible path of life-transformation of three participants in the hope that other facially disfigured persons of adventitious burn along with their supporters might benefit from this finding.