在國內以往對於非營利組織變革的研究當中,大多將焦點放在個別組織上,因此本研究嘗試以整體社會福利組織為研究對象。本研究採用次級資料分析法,並以生態論、資源依賴理論、新制度論這三種觀點來為社會福利組織變革提出相關討論。 在研究結果上,社會福利組織在1980年代開始有驚人快速的成長,而1990年代為成長的黃金時期。雖然新型態的組織大量出現,但舊有組織消失的情況並不明顯。社會福利組織的支出規模與基金規模也逐年擴大。在員工數部分,不同類型的社會福利組織有不同的狀況,但相同的是,組織的志工人數都有明顯的增加。社會福利組織大致來說經費來源都主要來自民間捐款與政府,顯示社會福利組織依賴政府的程度仍是相當高。社會福利組織與政府之間的關係相當緊密,也逐漸與其他組織建立網絡關係。 本研究建議為了解目前非營利組織的發展現狀,政府應儘快進行一次大規模的調查工作,並應制定相關募款及責信法令。 Most existent essays of change of nonprofit organizations have focused on single organization. Therefore the writer of this essay will pay attention to the whole social welfare organization. The writer of this essay will mainly use the method of secondary analysis to discuss the changes of social welfare organizations from the viewpoints of population ecology theory, resource dependence theory and new institution theory. In the result of this essay, social welfare organizations have increased sharply from 1980s, and moreover the growth rate has achieved the peak in 1990s.Even though a large number of new organizations have established, the original ones have not disappeared completely. Social welfare organizations’ expenses and the scale of fund have continually expanded. Different types of social welfare organizations have their own different situations. However, the members of volunteers have been increasing obviously in any type of social welfare organizations. Mostly, the sources of the income of social welfare organizations are from private donations and government. It could be said that the relationship between social welfare organization and the Government is fairly close. Social welfare organizations highly depend on the Government and they even have organized complicated nets with other institutions. According to this essay, the writer would suggest that the Government should start to organize a thoroughgoing survey in order to understand the present situation of social welfare organizations. Besides, the Government should make laws of donation and accountability.