摘要: | 近年來,由於「全球化」的關係,許多以往鮮為世人所探討的問題,逐漸浮出檯面,並一一轉變為國際社會積極所急欲討論、解決的重要「議題」。舉凡環保、人權、種族、區域衝突等專業性的問題,都已成為國際間矚目的焦點。 在許多天然或人為的大型災變事件中,「政府」基於保護並維持國家完整與人民扶植的基礎,自應責無旁貸地負起救災的工作,因此,許多「常規性」、「危機性」的救災機制便應運而生。然而,緣前所述,全球化所帶來許多的「前所未有」的專業性問題,「政府機構」受限於其「官僚階層」框架的制肘,很難作全面性的處理,也產生了許多為人所詬病之處,「非政府組織」因靈活、多元的特性,便很自然適時第填補這塊「政府機構」難以掌握的「救災灰色地帶」。本研究除了描述各國的「規範性」救災機制,更企圖在「非規範性」的版圖中,論述非政府組織的角色與功能。 本論文主要以敘述各國之災變事件處理機制,並以「危機處理理論」為研究模型,探討各先進國家(美、日)救災機制中危機處理方式之良窳,再與我國救災機制作一比較,進而提出具體、更有效益的建議,俾供我國相關單位參考。尤其是對於非政府組織(NGO)投入救災的行列,一般較不為學界、政府機構探討,本論文也針對此一領域,有若干討論與研究。 In recent years, due to the effect of “Globalization,” many questions being seldom discussed by the public are gradually emerging. These questions have been transformed to important “issues” that are actively discussed by the international society. Professional issues including environment protection, human rights, ethnics, and regional conflicts have turned into international focus. In the occasion of large-scale natural or man-made disasters, based on protecting and maintaining national integrity and people’s welfare, government should not hesitate and take responsibility of disaster relief. Therefore, many “regular” and “crisis” mechanisms of disaster relief have been developed. However, according to previous description, globalization has brought many problems that never happened before. Limited by the “bureaucratic levels,” government institutions can hot handle these problems completely, and thus causing many complains. With the characteristics of flexibility and variety, NGOs can appropriately offset the “gray area” of disaster relief. This research introduces the standards of disaster relieving mechanism of each country; it also attempts to describe and discuss the role and function of NGOs within the “non-standard” realm. This thesis mainly introduces the mechanisms of crisis management of each country, also discusses the advantages and drawbacks of disaster relieving mechanism in advanced countries (eg, United States, Japan) by using the theory of crisis management as the research model. A further comparison between disaster relieving mechanisms of Taiwan and other countries was made, and more concrete and efficient recommendations are addressed as the references. Especially, the participation of NGOs toward the disaster relief is not frequently discussed by the academic community and government; this thesis also makes several discussions and researches focusing on this field. |