摘要: | 本研究旨在探討遊客在谷關溫泉區旅遊前的資訊搜尋策略之研究,主要是為瞭解何種旅遊資訊來源會對潛在遊客產生實際行動而從事溫泉旅遊,並提出溫泉區相關業者該如何達到廣告行銷之目的。 本研究依據學者Fodness與Murray在1999年所發展的「旅客資訊搜集行為模式」為研究架構基礎,另參酌國內外研究者對資訊搜集行為之研究文獻,以決策本質、資訊搜尋策略、消費者特質及旅遊行為為四個研究構面進行研究分析。 問卷發放於台中谷關泡溫泉之遊客,共得有效問卷334份。經由因素分析、集群分析、單因子變異數分析、卡方檢定等統計分析,歸納研究結果如下: 一、遊客在谷關溫泉區旅遊前之資訊搜集策略(資訊來源)較偏向從人際非商業資訊來源-「有購買及使用經驗的親朋好友意見」的管道進行蒐集谷關溫泉區旅遊的相關資訊;其次是透過非人際商業資訊來源-「專業旅遊雜誌深度報導」的搜尋程度次高。 二、藉由對資訊來源的搜集程度,可區隔成三個具有顯著差異的資訊搜集策略集群。 三、三個不同資訊搜集策略集群在全部旅遊者決策本質變項上,與「自己既有的知識」、「親朋好友使用經驗」、「非親朋好友使用經驗」、「擷取資訊的能力」、「時間知覺」及「有興趣搜集旅遊資訊」等六個變項上皆具有顯著差異。 四、三個集群在旅遊行為上之卡方檢定結果,只有「旅遊頻次」這個變項具顯著性,其他變項均不顯著。三個集群在消費者特質上之卡方檢定結果,均未達到顯著水準。 This study is to explore that A Study on Tourist Pre-purchase Information Search Tactic For Gu-Guan Hot Spring Area Travel. Major to know that when travel information source could affect potential tourist to come into being practice action, and to go into hot spring travel. And then supply related operator how to get up to advertisement and sale purpose.This study according to tourist information search behavior model by consulting Fodness and Murray’s research results (1999) and the other related internal & abroad literatures to proceed the research. This study use four study face to proceed analysis. Four study face include Nature of Decision-Making, Information Search Tactic, customer character and tourism behavior. In this study, questionnaires were distributed tourist that dip hot spring at Tichung Gu-Guan hot spring area. The number of valid questionnaires were 334. By way of factor analysis, cluster analysis, ANOVA, and Chi-Square Test et al statistics analysis, the study results are summarized as follows: 1. Tourist Pre-purchase Information Search Tactic For Gu-Guan Hot Spring Area Travel search more much from opinions of friends and relatives with travel product purchasing experiences is the most important source, and specialized travel magazine & profundity report is the sources most frequently used. 2.By source degree of information source, could segment to three significantly different clusters. 3.In terms of decision-making nature, the three clusters are significantly different in original knowledge by myself, experience of friends and relatives, experience of non-friends and non-relatives, ability collecting information, the perception of time, and have interest collect travel information. 4. In terms of travel behavior, the three clusters are significantly different just in travel frequency, the other aren’t significantly different. In terms of customer character, the three clusters aren’t significantly different. |