數位圖書館的建置是利用資訊數位化以及網際網路的技術來達成傳統圖書館服務品質的升級。但是在此資料繁多且容易取得的環境下,資訊氾濫的結果往往會令使用者無法隨心所欲地尋找需要的資訊。因此,探究如何讓使用者能正確且快速地取得所需資料,並發展一個以人為中心之智慧型使用者介面是當今數位圖書館發展中的重要議題。 本論文希望藉由探討個人化技術與應用,架構一「數位圖書館上個人化檢索與推薦系統」,運用使用者的個人興趣檔,來建構個人化圖書檢索介面與個人化推薦服務,協助使用者找到符合其自身需求的書籍與資料。 The information digitalization and internet technology can be used to construct a digital library to upgrade the service qualities of traditional library. However, the data are diverse and growing rapidly such that the users can’t effectively retrieve their desired information under such digital environment. Therefore, desiging intelligent user interface and search engine to guide the users for searching on digit library are the very important issues. This studty proposes a personaized retrieval and recommendation mechanism to enable the intelligent searching on digital library. By using user's individual interest profile, the personalized books search interface and recommendation services are implemented to assist users to effectively find the books that they really want.