摘要: | 軍訓教官人數雖不多,但人力資源妥善的運用,真實地維繫著校園安全及社會安定,於此多變的教育改革體制下,如何加強人力資源的管理,將是提昇自身競爭力最有效之作為。因此,本研究的目的係針對高雄市公私立高中職校軍訓教官為例,以問卷調查之方式,探究其主管領導行為之知覺程度與工作生活品質及人格特質之傾向為何,以及對工作倦怠與工作士氣的影響。 本研究共發出211份問卷,回收141份,剔除無效問卷9份,有效問卷共132份。 本研究之假設分為三類:一是個人特徵與各變項間之差異,二是變項間的相關性,三是變項間的影響關係。使用之統計方法有因素分析、信度分析、描述性統計、T檢定與單因子變異數分析、相關分析、迴歸分析及集群分析。 本研究之主要發現如下: 1. 軍訓教官的個人變項(如:性別、年齡、服務年資、通勤時間)對部分研究變項上有顯著差異存在;而婚姻狀況、子女人數對各研究變項則無顯著差異。 2. 軍訓教官在主管領導行為、工作生活品質、人格特質、工作倦怠、工作士氣各研究變項間有顯著相關。 3. 軍訓教官的主管領導行為、工作生活品質、人格特質、工作倦怠對工作士氣有部份顯著影響。本研究依據上述結論提出建議,俾利教育管理者、軍訓主管能依此作適切地人力規劃,進而提升軍訓教官人力資源管理的效能。 Even though the amount of military instructor is not a big group, however, well arranged human resources maintain campus safe & society stability truly. How to enhance human resource management will be the most effective action to promote competition under the various reforming education system. The purpose of the current study is to investigate military instructors’ attitudes toward leader’s behavior, quality of work life , tendency of personality traits & effect on work morale by questionnaire. Participants are the military instructors in senior high school & vocational high school in Kaohsiung city. The sample size of the survey is 211individuals with 141 responses while 9 of them are not eligible. The hypothesis of the research are: differentia between individual characteristicand variables, relations among variables, and consequence resulted from variables. The research methods include factor analysis, reliability analysis, descriptive statistics, T-test & one-way ANOVA, correlation analysis, regression analysis and cluster analysis. Here are three major finding of the research: 1. Individual characteristic (gender, age, employment history, time) is significantly related to leader’s behavior, quality of work life, personality trait, job burnout and job morale. 2. Leader’s behavior, quality of work life, personality traits, job burnout and job morale are closely related to each other. 3. Leader’s behavior, quality of work life, personality traits, job burnout affect job morale. Suggestions based on the above conclusion are provided to education manage-ment, military leader and future research. |