顧客是企業最重要的策略性資源,維持和顧客間的長期關係並提高顧客滿意度跟忠誠度,與企業獲利生存息息相關。本研究以證券商的顧客為研究對象,探討關係品質、顧客滿意度與顧客忠誠度之關係,來達到以下研究目的:1.關係品質、顧客滿意度與顧客忠誠度之主要構面。2.關係品質影響顧客滿意度。3.顧客滿意度影響顧客忠誠度。4.關係品質影響顧客忠誠度。本研究主要發現如下: 1.關係品質的構面有三:信賴、滿意、承諾。且兩兩互相影響。整體滿意度有七構面,顧客對證券商服務人員的服務態度最為滿意,其次是所提供開戶、交易、轉帳等手續流程的簡化與便利性,而最不滿意的則是「電腦很少故障且電話、網路或語音下單時很少阻塞」。忠誠度四構面上,當顧客對於證券商有較高的忠誠度時,會選擇與該證券商繼續維持交易的意願最高,其次是向親朋好友推薦,而對於如果該證券商收取較高的手續費時,仍會選擇這一家公司交易的意願最低。2.關係品質會直接影響顧客滿意度。3.顧客滿意度會直接影響顧客忠誠度。4.關係品質不會直接影響顧客忠誠度。但是關係品質會間接影響顧客忠誠度。 Customers are the most important resources of businesses. To maintain a long-term relationship with customers and promote their satisfaction and loyalty is closely linked to the profits and subsistence of them. The study takes stockbrokers’ customers as the target of examining the relevance among relationship quality, satisfaction and loyalty. As a result, the study reaches three goals as following: 1.The main aspects of relationship quality, satisfaction and loyalty. 2.The relationship quality influence the satisfaction. 3.The satisfaction influence the loyalty. 4.The relationship quality influence the loyalty. The major results of this study are: 1.Relationship quality includes three aspects: trust, satisfaction and promise affecting with each other. The satisfaction as a whole includes seven aspects. The service manner of stockbroker's employee is the most satisfactory aspect to the customers. Secondly is the simplicity and convenience of flow chart. The most unsatisfactory aspect is the breakdown of machine such as telephone, computer and so on when customers are making order. The four aspects of loyalty include the willing to maintain the relationship with each other and recommend to his friends and relatives. The higher the fee is, the lower the willing to maintain relationship will be.2.Relationship quality will affect customer's satisfaction directly.3.Customer’s satisfaction will affect their loyalty directly.4.Relationship quality will not affect customer's loyalty directly, but indirectly.