自第五共和成立以來,法國實行對外援助的歷史迄今已逾40年;悠久的歷史與豐富的經驗不同於其他援助大國的對外援助模式。法國援外政策一直遵行由戴高樂制定且傳承下來獨立自主的外交精神,和追求大國的理想。 本研究的主旨在於介紹與分析法國第五共和援外政策的演進;其次再歸納並探討影響其演進過程的最重要因素。首先介紹法國援外政策形成的歷史背景;次為釐清左右該政策的重要因素;探討經多次改革的援外政策執行之情形;以及當前的援外機制與政策內涵。爾後以個案分析的型式來檢視法國援外政策的運作模式和重要影響因素,並提出分析結果與修正。 While the new constitution was elaborated in 1958, France used to provide foreign aid for more than 40 years. Its foreign aid patterns are different from those of the big donors, since France foreign policy seeks all along for its national interests set up by Charles De Gaulle which are the autonomy essence of its foreign policy and to be a world power. This study is therefore to describe and analyze the historical development of France’s foreign aid policy under the fifth republic, and to summarize the essential factors, which influence this policy. This Thesis exerts the historical research method, for instance documental analysis, inductive reasoning as major research approaches. The main sources of this thesis are based on the publications and relative official documents of France governmental foreign aid departments, the analysis in annual reports, newspapers, as well as relative books, periodicals and publications of relevance. Besides, in order to get the factual information, this research also uses a series of historical books and statistic data. This thesis is divided into six chapters:1. Introduction; 2. The historical background of the set up of France’s foreign aid policy; 3. Evolution of France’s foreign aid; 4. Current French ODA: reform of the French aid system and the French aid mechanism; 5. Analysis of France’s ODA: French aid in Cote D’Ivoire as a case study; 6. Conclusion.