摘要: | 人類的經濟活動和環境密切相關,也衍生出許多環境問題(如臭氧層破洞及溫室效應等),而工業國家的恣意大量使用資源,更影響人類的永續生存與發展。為了人類的永續未來,必須從減少資源的消耗著手,然而亦不應影響人類福祉的追求,此一資源生產力(resource productivity)提升的概念,亦即去物質化(dematerialization)觀念的由來。目前歐盟推動的整合性產品政策(Integrated Product Policy, IPP),是透過提昇資源使用效率和減少能源消費的方式,持續改善產品生命週期的環境績效;而延長生產者責任 (Extended Producer Responsibility, EPR),則是在鼓勵企業的回收和再製活動。兩者的最終目的皆是在達到去物質化的目標。在去物質化的做法上,目前最有新意的大概要屬「產品服務化」(servicizing)的概念了。「產品服務化」係以產品為基礎的服務,廠商以提供服務的方式來取代產品的銷售,產品的所有權仍然在廠商手上,有時候大部份消費者要的僅是該產品所能提供的功能,而非該產品本身,因此消費者透過付費可以使用該產品,也可以讓廠商來直接提供該產品的功能及服務。本論文從台灣環境績效表現優異之企業中,挑選四家個案公司為主要的研究對象,針對產品服務化的情形進行探討;其結果發現,目前推行產品服務化做法的公司有全錄及杜邦高效能塗料事業部;而個案公司在推行產品服務化的過程中,所遭遇到的困難與挑戰為市場的接受度、缺乏相關法令的配合、相關的成本高及內部人員素質的提昇等四項。而根據訪談結果顯示,影響個案公司推行產品服務化的主因為競爭力的需求、高階主管的支持、企業文化及環保趨勢等四項。 Human activities is intimately linked to the environmental impact, lots of global environmental issues, such as greenhouse effect and ozone layer depletion are all related to them. Especially, during the process of industrialization and pursuing economic growth, developed countries had consumed great amount of unrenewable resources making the world unsustainable. In order to resolve this problem, we need to improve products’ resource productivity and utilize the concept of dematerialization to limit the usage of resources. Such a concept will only be realized through innovative and creative thoughts. Currently, some countries’ policy and regulations have adopted this concept; these include the integrated product policy (IPP) of EU and the extended producer responsibility (EPR). The emerging concept of dematerialization is so-called “servicizing”. Servicizing focuses on the development of product-based services, it blurs the distinction between manufacturing and traditional service sector activities where manufacturers’ involvement with the product is extended and/or deepened in phases of the product lifecycle. In sum, servicizing refers to selling a service or function rather than a product. Actual ownership of the product remains with the supplier, and customer pay for the use and maintenance. Currently, the most successful example of servicizing is the chemical management services in North America. In this study, four companies from chemical, auto, copier, household appliances were investigated to realize the current status on servicizing practices in Taiwan. It is found that most challenging issues these companies encountered were wider market acceptance, related regulation promulgation, increased cost and higher requirement on human resource. This study also reveals that some drivers could trigger these companies to move toward servicizing, these include strong support by the CEO, increased competitiveness, positive corporate culture and environmental trends. Finally, some suggestions are also provided for governments and business while promoting or implementing servicizing. |