隨著經濟發展,休閒的概念逐漸受到重視且具有正面的意涵。傳統的休閒旅遊模式已經轉型為多據點旅遊型態。休閒可以視為放鬆心靈的調適劑,目的在於休閒不僅可以提升生活品質,還可以拓展視野、與多元文化和全球化的現象接軌,並藉由回歸自然的方式喚醒對生態保育的意識。由此可知,休閒的意義除了達到休憩與娛樂的目的,更達成自我成長、教育以及人文關懷的目標。 本研究以新光兆豐休閒農場從業人員為研究對象,主要針對台灣休閒農場從業人員之圖書閱讀及消費行為模式進行評估,並試圖以生活型態加以區分,探討從業人員在不同人口統計變項的差異性。其次,就人口統計變項分別與圖書閱讀及消費行為變項進行評量,分析各變項之間的特徵與差異。最後,彙整統計資料及歸納分析結果,評估休閒農場從業人員之圖書閱讀及消費行為是否與增進台灣休閒農場的專業知識相關,並提供台灣休閒農場從業人員專業知識養成之依據,及提供台灣出版業對休閒旅遊出版品的出版計畫與行銷策略之參考。本研究分析結果如下:在回收的118份有效問卷中,經整理及統計得知:1.不同人口統計變項的休閒農場從業人員對其專業圖書在閱讀行為之閱讀習慣、閱讀頻率、閱讀時間、閱讀種類、閱讀型態、閱讀動機上有顯著差異。2.不同人口統計變項的休閒農場從業人員對其專業圖書消費行為之購買頻率、購買金額、購買資訊來源、購買因素上有顯著差異。3.不同生活型態的休閒農場從業人員對其專業圖書對其在閱讀動機、購買因素上部份有顯著相關。 This research basis studies the motive and the research object, discusses the Taiwan leisure farm jobholder's books to cook a meal the behavior. Therefore, take the new light trillion abundant leisure farm jobholders as the main research object, mainly aims at books of the leisure farm jobholders to cook a meal the behavior pattern to carry on the appraisal, and attempts to live the shape to perform to differentiate, discussion jobholders in different population statistic difference. Next, the population statistic separately cooks a meal with the books the behavior to carry on comments the quantity, analyzes various sectors the characteristic and the difference. Finally, collects the entire statistical data and the induction analysis result, appraised books of the leisure farm jobholders cook a meal the behavior whether with promotes the Taiwan leisure farm the specialized knowledge to be related, and plans for the Taiwan leisure farm jobholders specialized knowledge to foster the basis, and provides Taiwan the publication industry to plan and to sell reference the strategy to the leisure traveling publication publication