本研究之目的在於探討「自我認識」生命教育課程對國小六年級學生自我概念及生命意義感之影響差異,並根據研究結果提出具體可行之建議,作為國內小學推行生命教育參考。 本研究採用準實驗研究法,以台中市某國小九十二學年度六年級兩班共64名學生為研究對象,分實驗組(32人)與控制組(32人),實驗組學生由研究者親自擔任課程之教學,教授由研究者所設計,為期十週每週二節課共二十節之「自我認識」生命教育課程,而控制組則未接受實驗處理。 使用的評量工具以兒童自我概念量表與生命意義感量表進行研究,所得之資料以獨立樣本單因子共變數分析法進行統計分析,並輔以半結構式問卷分析及訪談分析,考驗研究假設;除此之外,研究者透過「單元回饋單」、「課程總回饋表」及「訪談紀錄表」等資料,作為評量此生命教育課程實施成效之輔佐工具。 本研究之發現如下︰一、「自我認識」生命教育課程對國小六年級學生的自我概念具有正向的影響效果。二、「自我認識」生命教育課程對國小六年級學生的生命意義感具有正向的影響效果。三、從實驗組學生的「單元回饋單」、「課程總回饋表」、「訪談紀錄表」及「學生學習成效」顯示,此「自我認識」生命教育課程適合國小六年級學生使用。四、國小六年級學生最喜歡的教學方式為投影片教學,其次是影片欣賞,排行第三的是體驗活動。五、「自我認識」生命教育課程能達成預定之教學目標。 根據上述研究結果,研究者提出幾項具體可行之建議,供有關單位與人士推展國小階段生命教育之參考。 The main purpose of this study is to explore the effcts of Self Understanding of Life Education Curriculum on Self-Concept and Meaning of Life to the 6th Graders of Primary School. In addition, according to the outcomes of the study, the researcher provided specific and feasible suggestions as a reference for the domestic primary schools to carry out the Life Education Curriculum. This research adopted the quasi-experimental research designs. The research objects were the two 6th grade classes of one primary school in Taichung, altogether 64 students included. They were separated into one experimental group(32people) and one control group(32people). The students of the experimental group were instructed the Life Education program about “self-nderstanding” for 20 hours by the researcher herself. The program which was designed by the researcher took two hours every week and it lasted 10 weeks. However, the students of control group didn’t undertake the program. The researching tool included the Self-Concept Scale and the Meaning of Life Scale. All factors and variables of the individual specimen date were analyzed by one-way Analysis of Covariance(ANOVA).Hypotheses were also tested through analysis of semi-structural questionnaire as well as in-depth interviews. Besides,the researcher used Unit Feedback Sheet,Program Feedback Form, Interview Records and Learning Achievements of Students as assistant tools to evaluate the performance of implementing the life education program. Results of the study are as follows︰1. The life education curriculum about “self-understanding”has a positive effect on the Self-Concept to the 6th graders of primary school.2. The life education curriculum about “self-understanding”has a positive effect on the Meaning of Life to the 6th graders of primary school.3. According to Unit Feedback Sheet, Program Feedback Form, Interview Records and the evaluation of the students Learning Achievements collected from the experimental group, the Life Education about “self-understanding” is suitable for the 6th graders of primary school.4. The teaching method which the 6th graders like the most is through an overhead projector. The second favorite is by watching movies. The third favorite is doing the activity of experience.5. The established teaching goals of the “self-understanding” program can be accomplished. According to the results of the study mentioned above, the researcher brought up several specific and feasible suggestions as a reference for the authorities concerned who promote life education curriculum in primary schools.