為評估調整風池穴、肩井穴局部骨架及軟組織之手法對血壓之影響,四十七名(14男,33女)原發性高血壓患者,經由每次2∼5分鐘之手法治療,紀錄四次調整前後的血壓值,並以問卷評估症狀之改善。結果顯示,徒手調整肩部穴位確有降低血壓值及緩解高血壓患者的症狀。患者收縮壓值不但單次療程呈顯著下降,並有逐次下降的趨勢,收縮壓約降18∼19 mmHg,下降幅度達12% (p<0.01)。舒張壓值可降4.6 mmHg,下降幅度約為5.7 %,而臨床症狀以頭痛緩解100 % 及項緊緩解80 % 之改善最為顯著,至於心悸、喘和胸痛之改善則較不顯著,因此此手法可提供高血壓患者另類治療之選擇。 To elevate the effect of shoulder acupoints (Feng Chih point (g-20) and Chien Ching point(g-21)) treatment by principles of manual on blood pressure, the blood pressures of 47 essential hypertension patients (14 M and 33 F) were recorded before and after each 2-5 min treatment for four times. Clinical symptoms were also evaluated with questionnaires. Our data relived that treatment by principles of manual significantly reduced blood pressures and relieved clinical symptoms. Systolic blood pressures (SBP) of patients were improved not only after each time but also the following treatments. The reduction of SBP and diastolic blood pressure (DBP) was 18∼19 (12 % reduction) and 4.6 mmHg (5.7 % reduction), respectively. Clinical elevations showed that this manual treatment effectively relieved 100% headache and 80% nape tightness; however, the improvements of palpitations, pant, and chest pain were not significant. Thus, this principle of manual provides an alternative treatment for hypertension patients.