在當今社會環境轉變下,因為婦女普遍就業,形成雙薪家庭。原本以為雙薪家庭與傳統「男主外、女主內」的家庭型態將有不同的家務分工模式,但是本研究透過七對已育有子女的雙薪夫妻和一對單薪夫妻的深入訪談後卻發現到:就教養分工模式而言,女性即使分擔了家中部分經濟,卻仍然無法卸下「主要教養者」的工作。在現實生活裏,雙薪家庭中的母親不僅是家事的主要勞動者同時也扮演教養子女的主要角色。相對於單薪型態的家務分工,雖然父親已經主動且參與較多的教養工作。不過,通常父親對教養的工作是有選擇性的,而且從事教養的時間也較彈性的。因而,父親只能說是母親的遞補人選。 為什麼這種傳統性別分工的現象未能隨著家庭型態的變遷而產生變化呢?研究者認為現代社會中,雙薪夫妻的性別角色是受了傳統原生家庭的影響。換言之,個體在社會化的過程中,默會地學習了父母所傳遞的傳統教養的觀念及性別意識,而這種由內在學習所獲得的知識觀也呼應Michael Polanyi所提倡的默會知識(tacit knowledge)。以Michael Polanyi的默會觀點,個體藉由默會的能力將所學到的性別知識內化於態度與行為中。簡而言之,知識的學習是透過個人化的內在傳遞過程,並非是直接移植的。因此,個體將長久以來所內化的知識實踐於行為中,並且形成特定的思考模式和行動原則這就是Pierre Bourdieu所提出的慣習(habitus)。 因此,本研究藉著現今雙薪家庭家務及教養分工的狀況去分析:在教養的過程裡,個體在毫無察覺的情境中主動地學習了原生家庭父母教養分工的性別意識,並將這種已內化的性別分工的知識實踐於自己的家務及教養工作之中。 The purpose of this study is to investigate the division of domestic labor from the point of the child-raising. The researcher intends to realize the sex-role ideology of the original family has influenced the modern family through the process of raising children. The samples are seven dual-earner couples and one single-earner couple. The eight couples have one to three children and are interviewed in this qualitative study. Therefore, this study uses Pierre Bourdieu's habitus and Michael Polanyi's tacit knowledge in order to analyze the formed behavior by means of socializing. The findings of this study draw some important conclusions: First, individuals learn conventional norms and sex-role attitude tacitly. Second, the mode of division of domestic labor and child-raising is the same as that of the original family. Third, mothers in dual-earner families still shoulder the lion's share of the parenting while fathers' household chores and child-raising are optional. Last, changing though the society is, individuals can't help but have the tendency to do such behavior because of hysteresis effect.